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Prime Time: RTE One show with Clive Bates


Jul 18, 2012
This is on VTTV so I hunted it down. Clive as ever socks it to 'em.

The link is below. On my iPad it then links to a (free) App to watch it. Alternatively plays fine on PC


Its the Prime Time show Monday 20/1/14. Currently the most popular replay
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I should have said the ecig bit starts about 13:30 mins in. The initial 'report' is a bit crappy. Count the number of times the word 'unregulated' is used.
The studio part is better. Clive makes the studio guests (a rep from Cancer Research and Big Pharma) squirm in their seats at the end when he suggests their anti stance is driven by loss of revenue
that young lad at the beginning, "I tried one in the 6th form .......looks to me like he was coached what to say
that young lad at the beginning, "I tried one in the 6th form .......looks to me like he was coached what to say
They're very bad, they give you a cough after two weeks ...er that will be your lungs recovering ya ejeet
the presenter did a very good job of making it a balanced argument. the guy from big pharma was talking bollocks the whole way through, he is going to be the last person to give them any merit (even when presented with evidence) so why would his opinion matter.
Thanks Mark, I really enjoyed that, and found it quite balanced. To a neutral, Mr Bates, owned both of them :)
Yeah, the presenter was quite good, and Clive was brilliant.

A lot of familiar arguments from the pharmacy union guy and the cancer woman.

I will confess to shouting at my screen a few times.

'Tobacco companies have never been interested in public health' - well, neither has big pharma except as a profit centre, nor governments, nor public health campaigners.

I'm increasingly of the opinion that the best thing that could happen if I were to meet a public health campaigner would be to put them into hospital.
pure and utter ignorance from the pharma guy and the silly cow from wherever she crawled out of. total bollocks.
my main problem though is tbh Clive bates. Sure he has a solid background being former ASH guy .. but he comes across to much as your average man on the street . the problem is hes not a politican and doesnt talk like one and in a sense ecigs need that spin that politicians can give.. the spit and polish if you like which Clive unfortunately lacks.
pure and utter ignorance from the pharma guy and the silly cow from wherever she crawled out of. total bollocks.
my main problem though is tbh Clive bates. Sure he has a solid background being former ASH guy .. but he comes across to much as your average man on the street . the problem is hes not a politican and doesnt talk like one and in a sense ecigs need that spin that politicians can give.. the spit and polish if you like which Clive unfortunately lacks.

That is exactly what endears him to me. Because he is no frills, neutrals are more likely to trust him. He says it how he sees it and in simple terminology that everyone can understand.

Also, he fights tirelessly for our cause :)
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