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Prime Time: RTE One show with Clive Bates

yeah i fully understand that.. simple speak , makes it easy and clear for the "common man on the street".. BUT hes up against the sharks of the political world whoc an twist every innocent word or comment and thats lacking in hes own dialogue. ya have to fight dirty with dirty sometimes and when a mans down give him a kick in the balls to keep him down ( preferably with steel toecaps on )
Agree with AndyC1971 there. He may come across as the 'man in the street' but that's us folks. Unlike the odd bods they interview in the street who aren't aware of the facts and misconstrue COMPLETELY what ecigs are all about. And unlike those with vested interests and protectionist inclinations who trot out tripe unchallenged by your average interviewer. I am willing to bet in a one to one debate with ANY politician Clive would prevail in common sense terms and also detailed knowledge of his subject.
As for the Pharma fella. There may be no such thing as a safe level of smoking but he appeared to say it makes no difference how many you smoke? And Vapers are just switching from 'one form of smoking to another'. FFS.
yeah i fully understand that.. simple speak , makes it easy and clear for the "common man on the street".. BUT hes up against the sharks of the political world whoc an twist every innocent word or comment and thats lacking in hes own dialogue. ya have to fight dirty with dirty sometimes and when a mans down give him a kick in the balls to keep him down ( preferably with steel toecaps on )

And people recognise politic-speak, and mistrust it from the off.

I just wish Clive had asked whether the other two were interested in stopping people dying from carcenogens, or getting them free of an addictive, but relatively harmless drug.
The lack of distinction shows 1) they have an agenda to stick to, or 2) they don't understand the basics of the fields they are working in.

.....and demand an answer to "which is it?"
Agree with @AndyC1971 there. He may come across as the 'man in the street' but that's us folks. Unlike the odd bods they interview in the street who aren't aware of the facts and misconstrue COMPLETELY what ecigs are all about. And unlike those with vested interests and protectionist inclinations who trot out tripe unchallenged by your average interviewer. I am willing to bet in a one to one debate with ANY politician Clive would prevail in common sense terms and also detailed knowledge of his subject.
As for the Pharma fella. There may be no such thing as a safe level of smoking but he appeared to say it makes no difference how many you smoke? And Vapers are just switching from 'one form of smoking to another'. FFS.

And yet, he argues that a negative of vaping is not understanding dosage and dose rate. Why does this not matter with cigarettes?
And yet, he argues that a negative of vaping is not understanding dosage and dose rate. Why does this not matter with cigarettes?
Quite. They're so wrapped up in their belief that ecigs MUST be a medical product. For use as an aid to quitting. As NRT. So Pharma terms like dosage etc seem natural to them. They don't get that 'switching' to a safer way of enjoying nicotine recreationally is even sane. Heaven forbid a smoker Vaping in a pub and smoking on his way home. So fucking what. He probably didn't smoke in the smoking shelter whilst at the pub, chatted to more people, spent more whilst there too. Shocking
Until they get that we don't necessarily see Vaping as an aid to quitting NICOTINE ( because I don't) we will get this stupid drive to shovel them into the same category as gum and patches.....with all the unnecessary 'dosage' crap that goes with it.
Smokers self titrate. SO DO WE
I'd be interested to show him the difference between a 60 a dayer and a casual smoker's lungs.
The two of them sat there making a case for a known killer, at the expense of an unproven benefit.

"One of these beakers contain Hydrochloric acid, the other, an as yet un-released, carbonated soft drink. Which should you drink if you are thirsty?"
Both the dozy cow from Cancer Ireland & the "suit" she sat beside should TRY doing a little fucking research about smokers/nicotine users/APV's BEFORE appearing on TV to berate a product that SCIENTIFIC studies have PROVEN to be SAFER than SMOKING a CIGARETTE.The Interviewer could see the benefit to vaping nicotine,Clive could see it,those two fuckwits couldn't see past the bottoms of their pay cheques.I've just had a look & gave up searching for RTE's forum to fire off a few explanations of why I consider those 2 ANTZ to be solid stone fuckwits.I'll try watching it again & note their names,then see if they have any web presence where I can post links to the information they so obviously need.Grrrrr,that is all I can think of to say!
Clive was as usual amazing, I think any smokers watching that would want to give ecigs a go, loved seeing those two looking like tits when the camera went back on them, their faces said it all. What bollocks some people speak.
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