got a couple of bits I no longer need
Mini Protank fake/copy - with used heads if needed and a rebuilt head
Totally Wicked Shotgun Atomizer hardly used
IGO-W used a bit but good condition
Ego battery with VV LCD 900mah with usb charger
Mini EGO battery 450mah some scratches
510 Airflow controller
Private V2 Clone with air flow controlle attached (fixed on with epoxy due to poor threads on Mods 510 connector)
would like
Genesis style attys
drip tips
anything really
Mini Protank fake/copy - with used heads if needed and a rebuilt head
Totally Wicked Shotgun Atomizer hardly used
IGO-W used a bit but good condition
Ego battery with VV LCD 900mah with usb charger
Mini EGO battery 450mah some scratches
510 Airflow controller
Private V2 Clone with air flow controlle attached (fixed on with epoxy due to poor threads on Mods 510 connector)
would like
Genesis style attys
drip tips
anything really
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