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Tray Virus

Jan 23, 2017
I'm liking the idea of these squonk mods and im in the market for a descent set up, I very much like the theiron bf and the wraith squonker paired with a hadaly sxk rda but still researching these products.
My main questions are these mods pocket friendly and do they ever leak with these 8/10 ml liquid bottles attached to them? I know that batt life is not so good with single 18650 batt but I can live with that.
Speaking purely for the Therion here, I've never had a leak from the bottle or from the 510 connector. There is a slight risk, as with any bottom fed mod, of oversquonking and having a leak from the atty, but this is down to human error and you soon figure out when enough is enough.
Obviously, there is the same thing as with all set ups (not just squonk) in that there is an element of "sweating" that will occur, but generally it is very pocket friendly, as long as you have reasonably sized pockets
Can only comment on squonking as i use the vt inbox and dropbox 160.

Never had a bottle leak or break on me. Only thing is getting carried away with squeezing the bottle and too much juice going into the dripper and oozing out through the airholes. Solution dont over squonk and buy a bottom fed dripper with a bigger juice well.

Overall benefits are the flavour and perks of dripping with the benefit of a 'tank' ie the bottle.
good info lord grin, I'm curious to know what wattage you normally vape with and what rda you use with the therion.
If you are into higher wattage vaping then have a swatch for a dual battery mod such as the Dripbox 160. Aye, single battery mod isnae great cell life, but at ~35/40W it isn't too bad.
I can get most of a day out of my mech ones but i have fairly well behaved coils.

It is very rare for the squonk bottle to leak unless you are very vigorous with your squeezing and it ends up cracking. You will as already said get some sweating, but as you get that on all mods, as long as you swab up the section with the bottle every other day or so, thirs nae problem.

Hadaly is highly recommended kit. Worth watching Todd and Deans reviews on that youtube malarky. Tasty wee thing and decent clamps for holding the coil.

Fast tech have a discount on the now for a couple of days, so maybe get kit from there and use the UK epacket option....
yes I read over squonking is easily done until you get to know the device better which takes a little time which is more than happy with that
Hi and Welcome @Tray Virus

I don't own either of the squonkers but do own other squonking mods and atties.

So far so good for me regarding pocket friendliness.

Over squonking can become an issue but with regular use you get to know how much and when. This can also vary on how full your juice bottle is but as mentioned you soon get the hang of things.

The hadaley is a great choice, others to look at is the goon if your looking for dual coils, the O attie and the hobo drifter are others to consider.


Fast tech list a hell of a lot of vaping gear, I've not come across the web sight before but they seem cheaper than uk sellers.
Are they reliable with there deliverys? I suppose shipping takes a little longer but that's ok
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