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Problem with bcc davide glassomizer


New Member
Dec 1, 2013
I recently purchased a 2.5ml glassomizer tank - a bcc anyvape davide to fit on to my aqwa itaste v3 (vv/vw)

I have 2 batteries the same- when first using the tank, I found it only worked on one of the batteries (the newer one) and on the other one despite fiddling with the tank and making sure it is threaded on properly etc it just wouldn't work.

Today I have gone to use it and found it doesn't work on either of my batteries now. I have even changed the coil but no luck.

Any ideas?
check the height of your batteries. identical batteries have a degree of descrepency in size, even if its less than 1mm could be enough not to make a solid connection. . i have 2 identical efests yet when i switch them in my mech have to adjust the top pin by a half turn for one of them as it is slightly shorter
Can I adjust the battery height on an itaste v3? It's not a rebuildable custom battery where you can change the actual battery?

Can't see any pin or screw to change the height?
@ralosc The itaste v3 has similar issues as ego batteries and most connections have the issue of the centre pin dropping and stopping the tank connecting :)
EDIT: ^^ great info from VaperCaper :D
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