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Profile RDA Problem


Mar 23, 2020
I have used my Profile v1 before and had no problems till this morning when i put a new build in it, wicking and everything was spot on but i can't get the cover past the first o-ring, by cover i mean the shell that holds the drip tip etc. It worked before and i have put liquid round the o-rings on the base but it won't go on fully, any help appreciated.
You could try warming the top cap up in hot water to expand it a bit but you might struggle to get it off or turn it if it goes on.
Like you said bit of juice on the inside of the cap, screw base onto mod then put cap on and keep turning while pushing down and you will find it, silly one but you're not putting cap on upside down?, the centre of the air holes line up with the screws on the base
Hi @LordOdin i'm not trying to teach you to suck eggs, but you are lining up the lugs on the cover with the slots on the base? :2thumbsup:
Can't find any lugs on the base, only the 2 o-rings, last time i used it, it was ok so don't know what i am doing different.
Can't find any lugs on the base, only the 2 o-rings, last time i used it, it was ok so don't know what i am doing different.
There are 2 slots on the base each side under the screws, then two slots/lugs on the inside of cap piece under the air holes, these line up and push the cap down
Thanks @Cozy, it's vaping ok, my problem is that when you look at it from the side you can still see a bit of the silver base like the housing isn't all the way down to the bottom
Thanks @Cozy, it's vaping ok, my problem is that when you look at it from the side you can still see a bit of the silver base like the housing isn't all the way down to the bottom
Keep wiggling it while pushing down at the same time, you cant really see the slots when putting it back on but the centres of the holes line up with the slot centres, I screw it all the way on the mod then rotate the top cap clockwise as the base cant spin when fully screwed into the mod while pushing down it finds the slots and it will click all the way to the base
And make sure you're putting it on the correct way round, air holes will be on top half of cap
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