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Prohibition in Canada


Jul 18, 2012

QUOTE. Milan Khara, clinical director of the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority’s Tobacco Dependence Clinic, said he steers clients toward these legal options when they ask about electronic cigarettes.

“The problem with the e-cigarette is that though it delivers nicotine, we don’t know what else it really delivers,” he said. “Now, it’s probably safer than the cigarette because it doesn’t have the thousands of chemicals. It probably has many less. But we already know that one of the chemicals, something called propylene glycol, is not a great thing to be inhaling. It’s a known lung irritant.”

Lung irritant? PG is used in asthma inhalers and the nebulisers used by lung transplant patients, and has 70 years of documented research - so we know, some allergic reactions aside, it is safe. He doesn't speak with apparent authority when he says 'something called propylene glycol'

I've known the Canadian position for a while where you either use NRT, continue to smoke (and die) or arrange a nic hit from your dealer down an alleyway. Sensible Canada. Sensible. Of course this scenario could be arriving in a EU country near you ....
If we're unlucky the folk talking out of their asses (or being asses) will do the same here.

New Hungarian law I heard included up to 5 years in jail for possession of nicotine for ecigs.
yeah think these guys need to go a bit further than the first link on Google for their information they see De-icer & automotive antifreezes & think OMG ban it
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