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protank2 mini more flavor than kayfun !!please help!!


Mar 17, 2014
Need some help guys

I am getting more flavor for longer from my protank2 mini than my kayfun I must be doing something wrong

vamo v5 18650 mode
watts between 8-10

protank 2 mini spec:
2.1ohm micro coil no hot spots
cotton wool

kayfun lite russian type clone with air adjust on side spec:
1.4ohm micro coil no hot spots
cotton wool

mt baker vapour cinnamon roll
50/50 pgvg
18mg nic

i have tryed so many ways of coil placement wick placement wick amount and can't get it right
air adjusting doesn't realy address the problem much
i just seem to get burnt taste faster than the protank, i am getting the vapor production from both attys just seems odd taste with the kayfun
any suggestion would be most helpful only i have ordered another kayfun clone just before i give up and buy a protank 2 full size.
Just an idea, do you think it might be nic level
Kayfun Lite/Russian (all clone versions) - Forget wick placement. Forget coil placement (as long as it's in the middle,off the deck,and not touching the posts.) Forget cotton and trying to glue it in place with juice and daft chores like that. Wrap a bit of silica (either a doubled bit of 2mm or a single bit of 3mm eko/voodoo with whatever wire you want and with as many wraps as you want (to get your desired ohms), fix it in place. Screw on the chimney, trim off the excess wick sticking out of the chimney. Poke the wicks down to the deck. Fill, and vape. Works 100% of the time, without failure.
Yes, I do keep repaeating this,on various threads, up to the point of boring folks witless, and I know I will never stop people from wanting to jam cotton into their kayfuns and using them as tampon clones.
Thanks for the responce, i will try that in the next hour or so and boring folks is worth every penny and thats why we love people like you on the forum with the knowlodge
thanks again
Something else applicable to the KF's that I've found from my few months worth of using 'em is that they seem to work best if the coil is as far above the air hole as your build will allow, and that they seem to 'enjoy' coil resistances of from 1.0 - 1.6 ohms. @mxethey
ps. I have nothing against using cotton microcoils or any other builds,but I found that when I was new to Kayfuns/Russians, the simple builds that worked,were a god send towards giving me the confidence to experiment with more fancy stuff,knowing I had a good,tried and tested, method to fall back on.
And,not forgetting, that the protank mini is a blooming excellent device, and when 'just right' their 'vape' is very near comaptible with a KF, so don't expect a miracle. The advantage of the KF's though, once you get the hang of 'em, is that re coiling is a lot easier than those fiddly little pt heads, and your builds last a lot longer, plus no need to keep filling 'em up as often as a pt mini.
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thats good coz my clone air post is high and not flush with the screw posts
have you had any experiance with the protank 2 full size
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Ok tried the silica build last night and still getting dry tasting hits, i'm a bit confused because the vapor production is fine it's just theres not much flavor and i can't bump it up to 10w without a dry it after 2 secs, protank2 mini still winning hands down
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE HELP SOMEONE MUST HAVE A IDEA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok i didn't relize that the oring where the stack screws to the base should stay on, i thought it was for transport protection, only all youtube builds dont have one.
Anyway it makes it worse with the dry hits. ive now turned it into a dripper and works great
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!onwards and upwards !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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