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Pulse with 18350’s in series

Chuck Norris

Mar 13, 2014
Has anybody tried this? I’ve got a few pairs of Efest Purple and Red/silver 18350’s here (don’t fully trust Efest though so I’ll be getting some better 350’s today) Just wanted to give it a go before getting better batteries.

Can anybody recommmed some good 350’s? Haven’t bought these in ages so no idea what’s he best to get these days.

I built high here to stay safe at 0.95ohms with a single 11 wrap 24g Brochrome, coming out at 8.8A and 74w. Nice flavourul vape. Could be a winner for me as I prefer higher ohm builds and the extra oomph of series is great!
Pressing on with this ;)

Efests were no good, Purlples were getting a little warm after 6-7 pulls and the Red’s got warm after 2 pulls....so sacked it and they’re getting donated to the step dad for his epipe!

I’ve got a couple pairs of Ampsplus & Keeppower 1200mah 10A batteries coming from ecolux, after a lot of reading (the flashlight forums are excellent for battery info!!!) I think these are the exact same cells under the wrap, and the same as Aspire’s 18350.....which I think are the same as these bellow. Which I think (again!) is the sister company to Aspire??? Also Vapcell use the same cell in their new 18350 from what I’ve read.


So fingers crossed should be pretty good :)
sry but i have to ask why?
would it not be better to build your rda for a good quality 18650 battery with a decent capacity than run 2x 18350 with a capacity of 700mah.
Ok i understand you will initailly get a voltage of 8.4 volts before battery sag etc, however with a max CDR of approx 10 amps the lowest your coil can be for saftey will be around 0.8 ohms.
Was asking the same thing until I tried it ;) I like it but can see how it’s not for everyone. Saw Morten’s YouTube vid on the pulse and figured I’d give it a shot and glad I did now.

I tend to prefer higher ohm builds, I mainly build around 0.4-0.5ohms and the very lowest I can comfortably vape is 0.3 any lower and I find it too hot and have mad coughing fits. I know loads prefer lower and super low!! ohm builds but it’s not for me. I really don’t like it.

At 0.5ohms I’m only getting around 35w and 0.4 it’s around 44. Nice enough with the Drop & Brochrome but wanted more oomph without building much lower.

So with 18350’s in series when I build a 1ohm coil I can get a tad over 70w which is really really nice & flavourful, I think it was a 12 or 13 wrap coil? Big anyway! So chucked the flavour and still ramped up quick. Swapped the 350’s for a 18650 and it was pathetic though!! That was drawing 8.4A so too much for the crappy Efests but will be fine for the two I’ve just bought.

To get 70w on a single 18650 I’d have to build to 0.25ohms which I’ve done a few times and tried lower but didn’t like it much.

I’m home tomorrow and the batteries are there waiting, I’ll see how I get on with these over the weekend and try a few different builds to see what’s best.

Battery life will probably suck but it doesn’t bother me as I’ve usually got 2 or 3 mods & atttys on the go all day swapping between different flavours plus they’re really quick to charge up :)
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Working great this!! Batteries are staying nice cold, they look identical so keen to get some Vapcells when they’re available here, really nice cool vape. Chucking the flavour :)
Better pic of both batteries. Pretty sure it’s the same cell just different sticker

Quick update on these 350’s if anybody’s thinking of it?

Last nights build was 12 wraps 3mm id and 0.91ohms @9.2a and 77w. The Ampscell’s stayed cool even after chain vaping, the Keeppowers got a little warmer but not much (maybe they’re not the same cell after all?)

So ditched that build and added 2 wraps so it’s 14 now, 1.04ohms @8a and 67w. Seems much happier and staying cool. So best to keep it above 1ohms!

Getting a much better vape off this than I was with the 0.4 & 0.5ohm build, I’d have to build down to 0.26 to get the same watts but found it too hot for me, this gives a really nice cool vape & loads of flavour.

Only problem I’ve found is 24g Brochrome can get a little out of shape with a long coil when your pulsing it, maybe thicker wire will be better?
Only problem I’ve found is 24g Brochrome can get a little out of shape with a long coil when your pulsing it, maybe thicker wire will be better?

Or perhaps thinner kanthal like 0.25mm which would give a higher resistance and therefore less wraps?
Bought a pair of Vapcell 18350’s from @Ben fogstar this week. Will post back here how they are in series on the Pulse tomorrow night :)

Cracking price & excellent service (again!)
Or perhaps thinner kanthal like 0.25mm which would give a higher resistance and therefore less wraps?

Thinner wire might just melt when pulsing at higher voltage. So be careful while pulsing your coil. I personally prefer kanthal claptons in my series mods aiming at around 0,8-1 ohms. Kanthal itself needs more voltage to perform and the extra wire from the clapton helps your vape not being to much of "in your face".
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