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Quality of Fasttech products

Copper nemesis, copper stingray, brass Stingray... :)
What about brass Nemesis? I am definitely looking for eye candy, and the copper Nemesis was just an eyesore for me. The brass I'm looking at has a black chromed finish, so it's actually pleasing to look at.
What about brass Nemesis? I am definitely looking for eye candy, and the copper Nemesis was just an eyesore for me. The brass I'm looking at has a black chromed finish, so it's actually pleasing to look at.

Eugh no, better going for a aluminium one... chroming rubs off, then looks Crap.
Eugh no, better going for a aluminium one... chroming rubs off, then looks Crap.

Aluminum was the one I was looking at originally. You just kinda made my second guess myself when you mentioned brass and copper.
How does the sentinel, brass of course, fair up Rags? I'm a fan of these lumps.

Sent from somewhere that isn't called the ModMaker.co.uk HQ but is called the sofa!
Aluminum was the one I was looking at originally. You just kinda made my second guess myself when you mentioned brass and copper.
The aluminium one is good, but bloody light and easy to damage the threads so you'll need yo be careful with it.

How does the sentinel, brass of course, fair up Rags? I'm a fan of these lumps.

Sent from somewhere that isn't called the ModMaker.co.uk HQ but is called the sofa!

Not too bad, never owned one, but they're... okay
Personally, I don't like dual telescopic as its two points of resistance just for the tube, but performance wise it's good. :)
Just gotta be careful with the thin threading.
i've had a nemi +m16+trident+ iglo w + fogger v4 + vct4 bats
all good bar the trident but a replacement in post in the end
i will be ordering again happy with them:mail:
The aluminium one is good, but bloody light and easy to damage the threads so you'll need yo be careful with it.

Not too bad, never owned one, but they're... okay
Personally, I don't like dual telescopic as its two points of resistance just for the tube, but performance wise it's good. :)
Just gotta be careful with the thin threading.

yer i fucked my threads up quick time, on a brass m16
but fitted this, it is a pucker repair thats easy to fit:grin2: IMO
OCD Connector
Have a look at the brass stingray from focalcig.

I've got one in front of me with a good trident v1 clone, I can honestly say, that trident build has never fired better than on that stingray. I have no idea how much it was, I was treated to it by my forum owners. But you wouldn't go far wrong with it. There is also the brass gp paps clone/igo m combo.

Both are in that picture, the paps on the far left and the stingray centre right.

The omega is also well worth a look atty wise, but the trudent after a little drill attention is still my favourite.
The igo-m without a drip tip is great quality. Drilled the post holes bigger. The Taifun GT I bought is outstanding quality, think mine is type B. Needs the airhole drilled to 3mm though or the draw is just too tight imo.

I bought a maraxus which is shockingly bad, covered in marks, dents and scratches. Brass paps is lovely, brass m16 is ugly but excellent, aluminium one is lovely but easy to break. Steel hades is garbage, copper hades is great.

FT's customer service is very good, had a battery die in two weeks and they refunded no bother. Had a tobh arrive with no post threads and they sent a new one no problem.
From what I've seen, most people who complain about FT didn't notice their product wasn't in stock when ordering. I did this on my first order and it took a looooonnnnng time to get my brass caravela. But in the end, it was worth the wait. Now topped with a FT kayfun, all my other mods are back ups, or just for tinkering with when bored.

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
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