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Question about voltage draw on series mods

Just remember, if you build something mental on a mech, it won't stop you firing it. Use good batteries, check the build for resistance and shorts on a reader or regulated mod before firing and don't push the batteries or bad things happen.
Just remember, if you build something mental on a mech, it won't stop you firing it. Use good batteries, check the build for resistance and shorts on a reader or regulated mod before firing and don't push the batteries or bad things happen.
Hear you loud and clear bro :)
Thanks so much for everyones help guys.

This video was the remedy i needed (for anyone that comes across this looking for answers)

Ive calculated that at 150 watts my smok alien will have a draw of 29 amps (discounting the wattage sucked out by the regulator) and so that is the highest wattage I can go up to on this device safely with the LG HB6 batteries with 30amp cont discharge and i also understand the differences between mech and regulated mods now.

Again, thankyou so much to everyone who answered!
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