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Elizabeth Xu

Jan 9, 2013
I'd like to use wax or concentrated oil that is thick and sticky to replace e liquid,but I do not know which one is better,could you please give me some suggestions?Thanks.
I'd like to use wax or concentrated oil that is thick and sticky to replace e liquid,but I do not know which one is better,could you please give me some suggestions?Thanks.
Wax or concentrated oil? Are you serious? NO, again NO. What are you using now?
Neither wax nor oil are used in eliquid. If you mean the thicker VG (essentially glycerin) that is available widely
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Whatever that stuff is that you are using, we don't use it or sell it over here as far as I know. You're company might over there though. Oil? like Mark said No no no and concentrated wax??? Seriously now! Maybe this is lost in translation somewhere but wax and oil are NO in the vaping community. You'll have someone who doesnt know any better trying to vape candles!
Elizabeth. NO - simple as that. Oil will give you lipid pneumonia and you will probably die before a doctor realises what the matter is. Wax will probably do the same. Sorry to be stark, but the potential to die as a result of inhaling oils and fats is very real.
:yahoo:because they maybe cheaper than e liquid,so...

Maybe you are inadvertantly trying to bring awareness to them without telling us youre a vendor?

You should be aware that the EU is trying to ban electronic cigarettes and severly reduce nicotine based elquids. Like we need anything else to confuse them as it is.

As wax and oil which arent even sold here cheaper doesnt really matter. I dont suggest people use anything called oil and ill add wax to that list too.
As stated above the inhalation of oil based liquids will result in SERIOUS health issues and even death, do NOT try it
I feel like a message and a Brazilian now. Shall stick to vaping the vg and the pg in the meantime though.
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