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A message? Is that a oily rub down with a hidden meaning? No pic please Merino-Teflon ;)

Whoops, never a happy ending when I post.

Seriously though, wax, I have inadvertently tasted wax in the past, truly unpleasant, I had used my last match on a candle, lit my roll-up in the candle flame, and got some wax on it, nasty nasty, and with the added bonus of possible death, I'd say that this was quite possibly the worst idea in the world, no offense To Elizabeth.
I think like KMS has said maybe its been lost in translation lol

I can kind of understand the confusion though. I have a friend who although isnt into vaping he does use a lookylike type ecig and he refers to the e-liquid he refills it with as oil.
I think its because of the consistency of the juice if you ask me.

Wax on the other hand :s Some waxes are edible, carnuaba for example. Its used as a coating for everything from smarties to nurofen and also used to give apples thier shine
but I wouldnt want to vapourise and inhale it haha
Maybe meant this kind of thing

Solid Eliquid.jpg

•Squeeze the E-solid into cartomizer properly.
•Unfit person: Under the age of 18 years old, pregnant and non-smoker.
•Storage: Seal tightly in normal temperature(-20℃-38℃)keep away from light.
•Quality warranty:12 months

Taken straight from Ruyan's website
Maybe meant this kind of thing

View attachment 3953

•Squeeze the E-solid into cartomizer properly.
•Unfit person: Under the age of 18 years old, pregnant and non-smoker.
•Storage: Seal tightly in normal temperature(-20℃-38℃)keep away from light.
•Quality warranty:12 months

Taken straight from Ruyan's website
You have this kind,wow...
We don't stock this Elizabeth Xu and cant think of anyone that does for that matter, though we came accross this product ourselves whilst doing some research.
Maybe meant this kind of thing

View attachment 3953

•Squeeze the E-solid into cartomizer properly.
•Unfit person: Under the age of 18 years old, pregnant and non-smoker.
•Storage: Seal tightly in normal temperature(-20℃-38℃)keep away from light.
•Quality warranty:12 months

Taken straight from Ruyan's website

Wierd? What is it though? What is the consistency out of interest? Have you tried it? Sorry for all the questions , never seen anything like this before? :-)

No not even sure if it has been past by the European Commission safety board for sale in the EU to be fair
, I think it is only available in Asia as it stands but don't quote me on it.

Some of the ingredients listed in it sound a tad odd as they are amino acids, CMC is a food thickener and found in most store brought Ice Creams and a lot of other food stuffs but just cause it is safe to eat doesn't always mean you should vape it or it is safe to for that matter.

That said it is made by Ruyan the farther of the modern Electronic Cigarette so it might (Might) be available here in the future if it gets safety approved in the EU one of the other ingredients in it has very little testing on it so I for one don't think id like to try it then again E-Cigs on the whole have very little health studies either.

I only posted it as I think it was what the OP was trying to ask about.

#made the fist part of the reply big to make forum members aware of this fact.
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I pointed this stuff out in another thread http://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/forums/showthread.php/7266-Oil-Wax-and-Solid-Nicotine-products and the questionable ingredient has had lots of testing done on it and it is why it is marked for research purposes only and not fit for human consumption let alone Inhalation.

Also, the stuff contains chamomile oil... Oil + Inahaltion = no! it cause serious complications like "popcorn lung" and even death.

Just because something is OK to eat, it doesnt mean it is safe for Inhalation...

Ruyan is not the only manufacturer of this type of product and while Ruyan may be the birth father to our beloved safer alternative to smoking, I certainly wouldnt want to be their guinea pig for something like this which hasnt been tested and is probably not regulated on any level.
Do you know the concentrations of the things you mention ? would be good to know, what I mean by this is if it is trace amounts then it might get passed at some point, which is a little scary if you ask me as some just use products without question.

Then again Cigarettes contain lots of things that kill in high enough doses & cause disease some of which I suffer from but i can buy them in any shop in the world.

(Really not trying to be funny with this reply at all KMS, it is a genuine question as you seem to have looked into it further than I)
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