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RDA v Tanks

RDAs for me because I like to change flavors way too much to be stuck on a single flavor. And if there's a flavor you don't feel like always changing and you want to keep vaping, then squonk. :)
I use tanks mostly. I only have an old igo w rda that I use for specific things. I just ordered a wee strike 18 to see what all the fuss is about, though.
seen as you mostly use vapegoo rda/tank makes no difference they still going taste bland.
I thought a RDA would be more prone to leaking in the pocket. Or do you have to vape it till it's bone dry
It's down to how hot juice and wick it really

I wet the wicks and avoid any sitting juice just because I like wide open airflow and the combo of that plus extra liquid usually ends in a hot drink....

But even if I freshly juice an rda take one puff and put it away it's fine because of that
im more off a desert type lol

Same man, but ive always been let down with desert flavours in the past, in my experience they rarely taste as they're suposed to. The only one that was spot on was dinner lady rice pudding.
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