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RDA's.. what one should i get

Phantom Diablo

Sep 16, 2013
basically as im skint and budget is on a par with what i can find down the back of the sofa ive narrowed it down to a choice of 2.

the A6S single coil at the bestshop.eu shown here


or the smoktech Scar dual coil shown here


both come in under a tenner with postage. just undecided which one to go for . cant find much in way of reviews on the A6 other than the dual coil version ( seems to be one of the few places that list the single coil one at thebestshop )
i'd go for the smoktech Scar. As it's definatly 18mm dia. Where as the other looks to be more like 14mm dia.
Plus the dual coil gives you more setup options.
Personally i really dislike the scar, as there is no option for air hole size and it but thats probably just me, i like big airy draws. For a first time dripper my suggestion is always an IGO-L it is a only a single coil, but it is much more of a traditional style (airhole is to the side of the coil rather than under it) this allows for a bit of customisation in terms of air hole size.

Its also a great price :P .
i went with the scar in end cos supplier had a few other bits i was after and it was only £8. sure it only has one air hole thats a bit small but it can be drilled out though im not to fussed about doing that as i have my RSST drilled out and the dripper is just for flavour testing more than anything else.
Well i hope you have a good vape with it :) the scar does actually have 2 air holes, but the way they are set up, they cant be drilled out.
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