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Re coil genesis, metallic taste!

Mar 16, 2013
Hi all. I have not been vapeing very long, i have a lava tube & was using a vivi nova tank. I decided i was fed up with keep buying replaceable wicks & ordering & keep getting versions that don't fit my tank so have purchased a genesis rebuildable. My problem is that i built a coil that seems to be working fine, no hotspots etc but when i vape i seem to have a very metallic taste that gets worse the more i vape. Any suggestions would be most appreciated as it is driving me bonkers.
If you haven't done so, try these bits:
1. Anneal the coil. Use a lighter and heat the coil before adding to the wick.
2. Burn through a tank or so.
3. Clean the atomiser, a good soapy wash to remove manufacturing residue and lubricants.

I do get a slightly metallic taste at times, when switching between a silica and metal Atty.
Thanks for the help. I removed the wick it came with, washed out the tank. Made up my own wick & coil & hey presto no more probs! Think the wick it came with was rolled too tight & was not wicking correctly.
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