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How To re-wick and re-coil a Vision

I haven't got a nova and haven't rewicked anything but is the wick tube there to help hold more juice near the wick but also to stop the positive wire that runs through the centre from being kinked and touching the atomiser body. Not sure if this is possible as I have been known to talk out of my arse before :)

Yeah I guess it is part of its function, the originals never had it and I have rewicjked many of these and just done it without wick tube. No problems with the wire touching the body if you keep it under tension when you put it back together.
Re: How to re-wick and re-coil a Vision

What is the advantage of having lower ohm coils? What wire is best kanthal or nicchrome?

Cheers doc :)
Thanks doc, was going to try this before I read your thread. Many thanks :) will be getting some wire and wick on order.

Could you make it a twin coil?

Of course you can :)
I normally rewick mine double coil.
What Digicig did on his genesis is a different thing altogether though.
He put a mesh wick inside another mesh wick. The term dual wick is actually inexact, as that means what you mean, using two coils (and in the case of genesis that can also be done with two separate wicks as well).

Anyhow, assuming you are asking about a double coil, for trying what I do you would need two lengths of nichrome 0.16 or even 0.13 if you can find it, one or more strands of silica/fibreglass wicks for a total diameter of 3 -3,5mm, and a multimeter.

The multimeter is quite essential, as it is using pretty narrow, high resistance, wire, because by doubling coil you are halving resistance.
Too few turn and you might end up with a very low resistance coil, which not only can be too hot to give you good flavour, but also putting too much strain on your battery.

What I do, is to cut two lengths of wire, join them by twisting and then measure resistance until I get 1,4 ohms, then join them again at that lengths.
The you coil normally, paying attention not to overlap the twin wires (It's a tight fit, try to wind them close).
The reason for using all that wick is that it gives you a bit more diameter, so less coils, as space is tight there, and also enough juice to keep up with the coil.
This also mean I make the wick slots a bit larger with a screwdriver and cut a bit the silicon tube over the wick, so not to strangle the wick.

Once done, fill and let soak a bit, particularly with full VG, and fire 3v voltage or in very short pulses if you don't have have a vv, so you don't burn juice if wicking is not good.
if wicking is not good enough, pull one strand out of the wick, let soak and try again (I had to pull up to 3 strands sometimes, if the wick is too constrained).
What is the advantage of having lower ohm coils? What wire is best kanthal or nicchrome?

Cheers doc :)

Lower ohms will give you a warmer vape and more vapour at low voltages, so good if you are not on variable voltage and stuck with 3.7v or less.
Hit should be stronger, taste might or might not be better, dependently on the liquid.
But to make it lower res you are either using bigger diameter wire or less coils (unless you go for a smaller diameter wick to put more coils on)

Kanthal is more springy, mostly advantageous with stainless steel meshes as it shorts less, it will take higher temperature without snapping.
Also, resistance with kanthal is different from nichrome, 0.25 kanthal = 0.20 nichrome, 0,20 kanthal = 0.16 nchrome, roughly.
Many find that higher diameter wire gives more vapour, narrower wire better flavour (chinese use 0.13), but honestly, you hear all kind of opinions.
With fiberglass/silica I tend using nichrome.

Sometimes, with both, giving a quick pass with a lighter flame will remove residues which might spoil taste (and make easier to coil), but it really depends on where you got your wire from, sometimes is just not necessary.
Re: How to re-wick and re-coil a Vision

Thanks mcaldo, very well explained. When you wind the coils do you wind them in the same direction?
Re: How to re-wick and re-coil a Vision

Yes, because I don't wind them separately, more like they were a single wire, it actually is, just split it two if you like.
Others twist the two wires together to make basically a larger diameter cable, which has the advantage of making for a shorter wire rather than two, a bit longer, parallel wires, but roughly same total resistance.
Useful if you are coming up with too many coils to fit the cup.

But please do use a multimeter, if you don't have one mine from maplin was only 7 quid and works fine.
If you come with less than 1 ohm it could be even dangerous with a rogue battery.
You need lots of amperage to keep with that kind of coil. I'd stick to 1.4 or higher.
Re: How to re-wick and re-coil a Vision

Hey, by the way. You can get the tubing from ebay I think, somebody was giving a link here on some thread, or you could salvage some from an old carto, that's basically what they use to make the air tube.
Re: How to re-wick and re-coil a Vision

Thanks Mcaldo, yeah I have a multimeter, just need a new set of leads. End came off the other day. I get what you mean now about the wires, cheers. Will order some wire and wicks the weekend.

What is the advantage of lower ohms. Is it more vapour? Just over a week in to vaping now and loving it :)
Even I`ve managed to do this with almost no cursing at all, and it didn`t get thrown out of the window at any point - so definitely worth a try.

Nice pictorial guide :)
Lower ohms means that, if you pass the same voltage through, it will give more heat (watts) than an higher homs one, provided your battery can provide the amperage.
if you think of a canal running down a slope, the larger the canal the less the resistance, so, when you open your water reservoir on top (your battery) more water (amperage) will flow down in the same time unit.
You water reservoir must be up to that draw, most cheapo batteries are tested with very low draws as that way it will look like they hold a huge charge. Use them with an high draw equipment, such as e-cigs, and they'll deplete much faster than the capacity would suggest.
The steepness of the slope is your voltage, a 3.7v is a gentle slope, 6 volts a pretty steep one.

So, low resistance atties are normally meant to give you more heat with less voltage.
This will vaporize more juice in one go, so more nicotine and flavour , and more and warmer vapour, so more hit.

However, you need more juice to reach you coil fast, otherwise it will go up in temperature and burn instead of vaporize (when it happens, you'll know it, if you haven't already, pretty unpleasant), as vaporizing juice it's what keeps a coil cool, an half dry coil will burn at several hundred Celsius possibly.

But how much vapour depends on other factors too, including how many coils (how much surface in contact with the juice you have).
Double coil is quite a lot of surface, so it vaporizes quite a lot.
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