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Really struggling today


Dec 25, 2013
Both my ego bats have died and I have had to send them back so im left with my itaste ep, just one bat that takes 2 hours to charge and only lasts 3 hours, I really hope I don't reach for the fags while it's on charge, I did order another ego bat when my first one died but it still hasnt been delivered, I'm praying it turns up tomorrow coz I switched from stinkies str8 to vaping so haven't touched a stinkie since 19th December 2013 6pm, I'm doing so well, I hope I don't have a set back :(
Keep strong, stay here as you'll get loads of support, and if you really can't manage don't beat yourself up! We are all only human :)
It took for my 5 year old to say to me "mummy I don't want you to die" for me to kick my 11 year 30 a day habit so I can't touch another fag, I have no choice, when my bat was charging earlier I had a nap so I wouldn't be tempted lol, I really hope this new bat turns up soon
where abouts do you live...i know if close to me id lend you a battery or set up of some kind...maybe a member lives close to you who can share a small set up temporarily?
Babes even if you do smoke its not the end of the world, my ego kit was nothing but problems, at the mo cause of whats going on in my life i am having a couple of fags. Ive gone through the stages of kicking the crap out myself for doing it. As said above though we have members everywhere and im sure someone will be able to lend or give you something x
Let us know where you are, someone may be able to help. If not, Tescos sell nicolites, not as good as you'll be used to, but better than a fag! Or try a petrol station, they often sell similar cigalikes. Other supermarkets sell similar, just don't know what!
If your in Cheshire let me know i have ego and tanks coming out my ears and will drop off one no issues
Like blossom said, there are other means if you are really desperate. Have a look in local corner shops etc I've noticed quite a few that stock e-cigs now around where I am so might be worth having a hunt about

Not as good but saves you pulling your hair out :)

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