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Rebuilding issue's


Mar 14, 2014
Hello POTV members, I have been vaping for about a month now and today I have started rebuilding my Evod atty's, I thought I'd done a pretty good job, because they both came out at 2.2 ohms, didn't look to tight or too loose, but I'm getting a burnt taste from my minion farts liquid, I dry burned them to get rid of any nastiness but still not getting a decent flavour, I've read somewhere that it takes time for a new coil to "bed in" is this correct? Do I just need to keep using it for a while? Or do you think I've done something wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hello POTV members, I have been vaping for about a month now and today I have started rebuilding my Evod atty's, I thought I'd done a pretty good job, because they both came out at 2.2 ohms, didn't look to tight or too loose, but I'm getting a burnt taste from my minion farts liquid, I dry burned them to get rid of any nastiness but still not getting a decent flavour, I've read somewhere that it takes time for a new coil to "bed in" is this correct? Do I just need to keep using it for a while? Or do you think I've done something wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

It's a bit tricky to tell properly from your description but i'll throw an idea at you anyway.
Assuming then that your coil is evenly wrapped & in the right place & just guessing you are using silica wick, it could be a wicking issue. If the wick is too tight in the coil it can't naturally wick the liquid quick enough to keep up with your vaping because it's compressed in there.
It woud be the same if you were using cotton or whatever.
If it is that & the coil is ok, try a rewick in the coil but make sure it's more loosely packed. Not too tight, not too loose, you need to fill the coil but not force it in there.
Are you using an evod/ego battery, vv or fixed ?
Thanks for the replies guys, I'm using an itaste vv, 2mm silica wick, 2mm flavor wick and 0.18 Kanthal coil. Sorry for my noobishness but when you say the coil is too tight are you referring to the coil being wrapped around the wick too tight or that the its been pulled down to tightly into the base of the atty?
Thanks for the replies guys, I'm using an itaste vv, 2mm silica wick, 2mm flavor wick and 0.18 Kanthal coil. Sorry for my noobishness but when you say the coil is too tight are you referring to the coil being wrapped around the wick too tight or that the its been pulled down to tightly into the base of the atty?[/ ,I wrap .32 kanther round a thin screwdriver,then pinch it between some thin nose pliers and heat til it sets as a tight coil with no overlaps then thread 2x 2.5 silica through the eye of the coil,u can pull it to and fro but it won't just fall out,snip it about a cm from end,and works brill in my kayfun,I do about 8 wraps,but I'm only a noob myself and tried different things but this works best for me
If you are still using additional flavour wicks on top of your builds, take 'em out and flush 'em down the loo, where they belong :P
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