I 'borrowed' this flavour paring list from another forum. I hope it's ok to put it in this thread.
Almond pairs well with:
apple, apricot, banana, caramel, cherry, coffee, fig, honey, orange, peach, pear, plum
Apple pairs well with:
caramel, cardamom, chestnut, cinnamon, cranberry, currant, ginger, hazelnut, mango, maple, rosemary, walnut
Apricot pairs well with:
almond, black pepper, caramel, cardamom, ginger, hazelnut, honey, orange, peach, vanilla, plum, Sauternes, wine
Asian Pear pairs well with:
almond, apple, black pepper, cinnamon, ginger, honey, macadamia, nutmeg, raisin, vanilla
Banana pairs well with:
brandy, caramel, cherry, chocolate, cinnamon, coffee, dark rum, ginger, hazelnut, honey, Madeira wine, mango, molasses, papaya
Blackberry pairs well with:
apricot, black pepper, champagne, cinnamon, citrus, hazelnut, lemon, other berries, peach, plum, Port wine
Blood Orange pairs well with:
almond, cardamom, chocolate, cinnamon, clove, fig, ginger, honey, other citrus
Blueberry pairs well with:
lemon verbena, other berries, cardamom, mango, lemon, hazelnut, ginger, fig, lavender, other citrus,
Carrot pairs well with:
anise, brandy, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, walnut
Cherry pairs well with:
apricot, black pepper, chocolate, citrus, nectarine, peach, plum, Port wine, vanilla
Chestnut pairs well with:
apple, caramel, chocolate, coffee, pear, vanilla
Cilantro (coriander) pairs well with:
apricot, berries, cherries, citrus, nectarine, peach, plum, tropical fruit
Coconut pairs well with:
banana, Brazil nut, caramel, chocolate, citrus, Kaffir leaf, lemongrass, pineapple, other tropical fruits
Cranberry pairs well with:
apple, chocolate, cinnamon, citrus, mango, mint, pear
Currants, Black and Red, pairs well with:
cassis, chocolate, citrus, dark rum, Port wine, sloe gin
Elderberry pairs well with:
apricot, fig, honey, lemon, mandarin, other berries, peach, plum
Feijoa pairs well with:
banana, berries, cinnamon, citrus, mango, vanilla
Fig pairs well with:
almond, black pepper, cinnamon, citrus, hazelnut, pear, Port wine, vanilla
Ginger pairs well with:
almond, apple, apricot, banana, berries, Brazil nut, caramel, chocolate, citrus, coconut, grape, hazelnut, passion fruit, peach, pear, pineaple, plum, tropical fruit
Gooseberry pairs well with:
citrus, hazelnut, honey, other berries, white chocolate
Grape pairs well with:
brandy, chocolate, citrus, ginger, raisin
Grapefruit pairs well with:
basil, black pepper, caramel, citrus, mint, rosemary, thyme, tropical fruit, vanilla
Guava pairs well with:
citrus, coconut, huckleberry, kaffir leaf, pineapple, strawberry, tropical fruit
Hazelnut pairs well with:
apple, apricot, banana, berries, caramel, cherry, chocolate, citrus, fig, mandarin, peach, pear, plum
Kaffir Leaf pairs well with:
banana, citrus, coconut, lemongrass, tropical fruit, watermelon
Kiwi pairs well with:
apple, banana, berries, cherry, citrus, coconut, mango, tropical fruit
Kumquat pairs well with:
berries, cherry, chocolate, cinnamon, coffee, persimmon, plum
Lemon pairs well with:
apricot, berries, black pepper, cardamom, cherry, citrus, ginger, nectarine, peach, plum, prickly pear, tropical fruit
Lemongrass pairs well with:
cherry, berries, citrus, coconut, ginger ,guava, kaffir leaf, coconut, tropical fruit, vanilla
Lime pairs well with:
apple, berries, cherry, ginger, papaya, plum, strawberry, tropical fruit
Lychee pairs well with:
citrus, ginger, gooseberry, tropical fruit, vanilla
Mandarin pairs well with:
cardamom, cherry, chocolate, cinnamon, coffee, fig, ginger, nutmeg, tropical fruits, vanilla, star anise
Mango pairs well with:
apple, banana, berries, caramel, citrus, coconut, melon, Sauternes, tropical fruits, vanilla
Melon pairs well with:
berries, champagne, citrus, lemongrass, lemon verbena
Orange pairs well with:
almonds, basil, berries, brandy, cherry, chocolate, cilantro, cinnamon, coffee, cranberry, fig, ginger, grape, hazelnut, mint, nutmeg, persimmon, pineapple, vanilla
Papaya pairs well with:
citrus, black pepper, lime, mango, tropical fruit
Peach pairs well with:
almond, apricot, blackberry, brandy, cherry, cilantro, cinnamon, elderberry, ginger, hazelnut, lemon, raspberry, rhubarb, walnut, watermelon
Pear pairs well with:
almond, apple, caramel, chestnut, chocolate, cinnamon, citrus, ginger, hazelnut, Port wine, vanilla, walnut, anise, blackberry, brandy
Persimmon pairs well with:
apple, black pepper, cinnamon, citrus, kumquat, pear
Pineapple pairs well with:
basil, caramel, cilantro, coconut, macadamia, rosemary, rum, tropical fruit
Plum pairs well with:
almond, cinnamon, citrus, chestnut, black pepper, hazelnut, honey, Port wine, vanilla
Pomegranate pairs well with:
apple, citrus, cucumber, mint, tropical fruit
Prickly Pear pairs well with:
citrus, lime, tomatillo, tropical fruit
Raspberry pairs well with:
apricot, cinnamon, citrus, ginger, lemon, nectarine, other berries, peach, plum, rhubarb, thyme, vanilla
Rhubarb pairs well with:
apple, apricot, berries, black pepper, citrus, ginger, nectarine, peach, plum, strawberry
Strawberry pairs well with:
apple, black pepper, chocolate, citrus, coriander, mint, rhubarb, vanilla
Tomatillo pairs well with:
berries, citrus, mango, prickly pear, tropical fruit
Walnut pairs well with:
apple, apricot, banana, caramel, chocolate, cinnamon, nectarine, peach, pear, plum, rum