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Jul 8, 2013
Hi,im new to vaping(3 weeks)..Ive ordered some silica wick and wire and was wondering how hard it is to recoil my Kanger T3?..I don't want to keep buying new clearomizers and have read and watched vids and it seems the cheap way to go..What are your experiences of recoiling?Cheers.. ;)
Hi,im new to vaping(3 weeks)..Ive ordered some silica wick and wire and was wondering how hard it is to recoil my Kanger T3?..I don't want to keep buying new clearomizers and have read and watched vids and it seems the cheap way to go..What are your experiences of recoiling?Cheers.. ;)

Some fantastic ecig reviewers on YouTube, just type in Kanger T3 recoil

Just did go here :D
As you can see from http://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/forums/showthread.php/15277-Holy-sh*t-that-was-a-mistake! you have to be careful that the coil doesn't short. What sort of battery are you using? If it's a VV/VW mod then they usually have some way of checking the resistance of the coil, if it's something like an ego battery then it almost certainly won't so you'll need a reasonably good multimeter or resistance checker (my multimeter is useless for this unfortunately as it doesn't cope well with resistances less than 5 ohms).

Other than that, it's not that difficult.
Thanks for the info..Im using a ego battery.Gonna try get a multimeter to check it with.
Well I got my silica wick and wire and had a go at recoiling..It took me 20 minute to complete it but it works fine,no leaking etc;Cost me about a fiver for 2mtr of wick and loads of wire,so I should save a few quid.. :thumbup:
Well done! It will get a lot quicker over time, believe me.

Did you heat the wick before coiling it? Makes life a lot easier as it helps the wire hold its shape without springing back.
... Yeah. Don't do what I did!
After taking the coil apart, I found the culprit. The wires at the base were touching ever so slightly due to the grommet being split. Just be careful, and you'll be fine!
Yeah I heated the wire,not only to keep its shape better but to burn off any oils etc;I want to get a multimeter now so I can check resistance etc; on the coils..The only thing I may do different is when I buy new wick is get 3mm not 1mm so I don't have to double it over etc;
If you have 1mm wick you may want to try the machine screw method. You just need a bolt of an appropriate size, wind the coil around that, unwind the screw from the coil and gently pull the doubled over wick through it using a bit of thread or spare kanthal. I'm fairly sure there's a youtube video for the T3 showing that method, although the one I'm thinking of uses a flexible beading needle.

You do get a very neat coil that way.

You can use this method with larger wicks as well, just wrap a bit of kitchen foil round the end of the wick and thread that through the coil.
Did my first coil tonight on the AGA-T2: 1.6 ohm with three turns of .20 Nichrome on a 2mm silica wick.

It works.


It's not wicking as I'd like and the flavour of the Lemon Meringue is still virtually as non-existent as it was on the steel wick.

Double up the wicks?

Use two strands of 1mm per wick?
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