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Recommend a new mod


Mar 15, 2018
Hello everyone, not new but haven't posted in a long while. During the lockdown, my wife and I started to smoke a bit. 2 stinky sticks a day, but I'm wanting to kick them again as they stink, I'm getting a cough and my daughter is watching.

Sadly, all of my mods have died. Fist an eleaf TC100 and a smoke v8, then an eleaf pico and finally my Geekvape Aegis tonight which I hadn't been using because it's heavy. I still have a dual batter squonk but I don't think I will be using it because it's bulky and a bit of a chore. I've grown out of rebuildables due to time and workspace required.

I'm looking for something solid, reliable and budget-friendly. I'm happy with new or used. The eleaf pico was cheap but I didn't like the feel and I prefer a dual cell model. Any recommendations?
Hi jamie
Gosh you had some mileage out of the eleaf Tc 100 and the pico. Cheap and cheap hey:D
Yes, two battery cells. Sadly, that is how my Aegis died, it only recognises power from on of the cells and shows the second as dead.

Have you checked whether that second cell is still alive? Silly question, I know...
Hi jamie
Gosh you had some mileage out of the eleaf Tc 100 and the pico. Cheap and cheap hey:D

I bought an eLeaf Pico Squeeze a couple of weeks back. It's not perfect but as a first squonker I love that thing. I got it much reduced, I think they're taking it out of their inventory...
I bought an eLeaf Pico Squeeze a couple of weeks back. It's not perfect but as a first squonker I love that thing. I got it much reduced, I think they're taking it out of their inventory...
I love eleaf mods. They got me off smoking . I would recommend eleaf to everyone. Still using a pico to this day.
check out the deals link in the forum banner/menu chinese vendors for the most part so shippimg isnt supper fast.. but some good bargains to be had,,

for specific advice perhaps if you detailed your prefered style of vapeing and general power level you like to vape at, it would be easier to advise,
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