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Repairable or not?


Nov 15, 2014
This SXK mini got loads of juice into it courtesy of MTRTA leaky fecker atomiser. I got some contact spray but managed to yoink the display's strip off the board as I was prising it up (it was glued not just press fitted)

There was a fair bit of dusty residue which may or may not have been juice over the contacts under the now ripped strip.

Simple question - is this beyond repair now? Or is it just held in place by the sticky strip that was over it?

I'm pretty sure it's beyond my DIY skills and I'm still not convinced any juice got this far into the board either. I think the chip was a wrong'un.

Can't see it would be cost effective to have someone repair it or replace the board when a new complete unit is £60.

Probably yet another paperweight to add to the collection...
ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes1461598660.430816.jpg
thats foooked. its either new mod time or you could try and fit a dna 40 board in it if its the long screen version or even a sx350 if its the square version but like you say its going to cost some to get that done
thats foooked. its either new mod time or you could try and fit a dna 40 board in it if its the long screen version or even a sx350 if its the square version but like you say its going to cost some to get that done

Ahh well to be fair it was fooked before I started so no great loss.
I have a few screens but all I have are 7 legs... interesting... I replaced one on sx130 - very easy, with right tools...
Screens were about $1 but shipping... don't ask
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