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Reuleaux rx200 battery life

3 days, wow!
i do chain vape though and can get through a full tfv4 tank in about 1 hour and quite easily 4-5 tank fulls a day. as well as using my istick100 and crown.
me need to slow down....maybe tomorrow :)
Not at all! I've just got some catching up to do. My new tank is top fill for a reason ;)
I've got 3x LG HE2 batteries in my RX200 which I use at between 38-45w in Kanthal Mode and 45-40w in Nickel Mode, and it easily lasts 3 days before needing a charge...
This is exactly where I want to be albeit a lower wattage. Just over a day for me just now. Hopefully new batteries combined with the external charger sorts it out.
Hi, just to let everyone know, there's new firmware out for the RX200 - 1.08 (I updated to 1.07 about a week ago, so not sure when 1.08 landed).
failed to load for me so not bothering to try to update again.

ok batteries have just died. totally drained and about to charge.

whats the odds on charging using nitecore D4

i say 4 hours 10 minutes. we will see.
Does this add up i have 2 devices on the go
RX 200 running with 3x Shockli 3000 mah with a dripper 0.7 coil at 50w
I get about a day and a half between charge
Raptor 120w mod running with 2x Samsung 2500 mah with a dripper 0.7 coil at 50w
I get about just over 2 day and a half between charge
Both devices are used evenly but i thought i should get a bit longer usage from the RX200
RX200 has latest firmware
I am getting crazy long battery life on my rx200s. I am using the 3000mah lg brown batteries. Been using it all day and currently sitting at 83% and am blown away by the battery life on this thing. Running my Cleito at 50watts. :D
i get just about a day from mine...i run it at around 0.15ohms and 80-90 watts....

im happy with that though
I bought an RX200s I little while ago, probably like most people expecting a device with 3 18650s to give crazy long battery life. I am disappointed with it to the extent I eventually searched for issues with battery life and found this thread. With a 0.5(ish) Kanthal coil at 25W, the RX200s is giving little if any more battery life than a KBox Mini loaded with the same Efest 3000mah battery and nothing near a IStick100 or KBox200 with 2 of the same batteries. Really disappointing that. OK, you can criticise me for buying Efests if you want to, but that doesn't excuse the RX200s battery consumption.

What I have noticed is, if you stick most devices next your ear after a vape, you will hear a light electrical buzz until the display turns off, then the device is silent. No great surprise that, and I expect most people have noticed it. With most devices it's 10 - 15 seconds. With the RX200s, the device keeps ticking away quietly for a full 3.5 minutes after a vape. It takes it that long to fully turn off. It is a quiet ticking, but it is there. The device is continuing to draw some current for that time. I have no idea how much current it is drawing, but it must be drawing something as producing the sound energy requires an energy input. At some point I will find time to set up a test to measure that current drain unless someone beats me to it.

it seems to me to be just plain bad electrical design.
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