I bought an RX200s I little while ago, probably like most people expecting a device with 3 18650s to give crazy long battery life. I am disappointed with it to the extent I eventually searched for issues with battery life and found this thread. With a 0.5(ish) Kanthal coil at 25W, the RX200s is giving little if any more battery life than a KBox Mini loaded with the same Efest 3000mah battery and nothing near a IStick100 or KBox200 with 2 of the same batteries. Really disappointing that. OK, you can criticise me for buying Efests if you want to, but that doesn't excuse the RX200s battery consumption.
What I have noticed is, if you stick most devices next your ear after a vape, you will hear a light electrical buzz until the display turns off, then the device is silent. No great surprise that, and I expect most people have noticed it. With most devices it's 10 - 15 seconds. With the RX200s, the device keeps ticking away quietly for a full 3.5 minutes after a vape. It takes it that long to fully turn off. It is a quiet ticking, but it is there. The device is continuing to draw some current for that time. I have no idea how much current it is drawing, but it must be drawing something as producing the sound energy requires an energy input. At some point I will find time to set up a test to measure that current drain unless someone beats me to it.
it seems to me to be just plain bad electrical design.