Hi all. I won the Rincoe Manto 228 recently in a comp.
Now I know another review on it is here as well and at first I wasn't going to do one, but I thought about that and changed my mind. Why? Well not because of the other at all, I decided to before I even knew it was there. But because they should be the good and the bad, not just the good. Because it to me wasn't good I wasnt going to do one, but that's wrong.
So. I was really looking forward to getting this as it was going to be gifted to a relative, but, I was going to try it out for myself first.
So glad I did.
Packaging etc is the usual. It's in a box!

And is has an instruction booklet!
And, wait for it, a usb cable!
Seriously though, when I put the batteries in it and turned it on and saw that screen I thought ....

I was captivated like a kid looking at a new toy.

this love affair was soon to wane.
Apart from the awesome screen, which isn't perfect as the bottom line showing how long it's fired for turns off immediately you release the button, meaning, to see it you'd need to vape in front of a mirror! Now I just aint that vain.

Really though. What is it with mod manufacturer's that make them to display something you cant see unless your standing in front of a mirror?
So to that fire power button, come switch thing.
I'm guessing Arnie out of the Terminator or the incredible Hulk had a hand in it's design as you need to have hands that have some strength and dexterity in them to turn it on and off or fire it. Seriously anyone with rsi, arthritis or other issues will hate this thing. Im fine but still reckon its way too firm and clumsy. You can't fire this or turn it on or off like others. It's so firm you can miss the sequence and you need to think about where you place your finger or thumb. Most stupid fire button I've seen.
Now the battery door. If you like clicky click click sounds each time you handle your mod then the Manto is for you

I have read elsewhere it has movement but they have understated it. It drives you mad. So much so I made a silicone gasket around it's edges to shut it up. It worked, but should you have to? Me thinks no, a big no!
Table stability, or lack of it should be. Hmmm

rounded edges on the base, good idea or bad. No, stupid idea, this thing has a table stabilty of a 3 out of 10.
And how about the 510 connection? Well within a week it was so loose you could move the tank back and forth with a finger tip. Quality plus

Now, I tried to upload a small video of this but I kept getting "error, something or other" But if anyone can pm me I could send it via email and if they could post it that'd be cool. Im just not super tech savy with that side of things. Someone I know and could trust I should add.
Now, I'll admit that the 510 can be a fail on the best of stuff but the other issues are design faults, poor design faults, unstable base, difficult fire button, unreadable info, battery door movement, all poor design.
And I should add, when a company advertises something with a 3D screen/user interface and the box it comes in states the same then that's what it should actually be, 3D. But it's not 3D. Its just shading and angles that from a distance can give the impression it is. To me that's false advertising. It does look cool, but aint real 3D.
So the Rincoe Manto
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got fed to Dolly! And deservedly so.

It looks frightened, I think it knows whats coming.
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The end.