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Rob's little Gift

That is amazingly generous of you Rob and although I don't feel deserving of it... I still would love to own it so I'll enter if that is ok

1. MHL
2. oORobOo
3. ADDicT
5. Banjostring
6. wonkyhorn
7. Amnesiac
@Rob I would be grateful to be included sir, and my sincere thanks for the opportunity...winning one is 'bout the only way I will ever try one, esp with things as they are.

1. MHL
2. oORobOo
3. ADDicT
5. Banjostring
6. wonkyhorn
7. Amnesiac
8. phatbhoy
@andi52 :)) No criteria, just a general thought, so FILL Yer Boots :)
Top notch @Rob extremely generous giveaway, as much as I would love to enter for the chance to acquire such a tremendous prize,
I wouldn't say I'm struggling with this lockdown malarkey, so as much as I hate to say it, I will pass on this one and give someone more worthy a chance.
Thanks :17:
PLEASE Guys, I just phrased it badly.......... OPEN TO ALL :)
1. MHL
2. oORobOo
3. ADDicT
4. shale84
5. Banjostring
6. wonkyhorn
7. Amnesiac
8. phatbhoy
9. andi52
10. Squidgy

PLEASE Guys, I just phrased it badly.......... OPEN TO ALL :)

In that case....thank you @Rob :worship::worship::worship::worship::worship::worship::worship:
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