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Rookie syringe question


Jun 29, 2014
Just started Diy this week so this may be a silly question but never the less.....

Syringes used for mixing are obviously meant for medical one time use but for our diy e juice can they be cleaned and reused?

I'm guessing syringes used for pure pg and vg components are ok for reuse? but ones used for nic and concentrates may be an issue? I noticed with one flavour concentrate that it actually dissolved the ml markings off the syringe. Obviously stuck the thing too far in the bottle but wondering whether a similar reaction occurs inside the syringe contaminating it and making refuse dangerous?

On a side note both chefs vapour twisted and lemon drizzle at 10% with high vg at 4mg nic dripped on a veritas RDA @.7 ohms is the nuts!!! DIY has proved it's worth already!
Someone more educated than me may pop along to correct but ive had no problems reusing syringes, washing in warm water between uses. Markings coming off is a common issue and can be fixed by covering them in sellotape or clear nail varnish
Yeah, we cheapskates hate to use once ....
Lots of apes protect the markings by either clear nail varnish or sellotape, personally I just never, ever touch them with fingers or wipe them ... just rinse and air dry and they're fine. But if you find a concentrate dissolves it, well try sellotape first to seal it.

If like most of us, you bought a pack of 10 or so, maybe keep once syringe for nic. one for strong flavours like menthol and absinthe if you use them. Always rinse thoroughly when switching between concentrates.
Just started Diy this week so this may be a silly question but never the less.....

Syringes used for mixing are obviously meant for medical one time use but for our diy e juice can they be cleaned and reused?

I'm guessing syringes used for pure pg and vg components are ok for reuse? but ones used for nic and concentrates may be an issue? I noticed with one flavour concentrate that it actually dissolved the ml markings off the syringe. Obviously stuck the thing too far in the bottle but wondering whether a similar reaction occurs inside the syringe contaminating it and making refuse dangerous?

On a side note both chefs vapour twisted and lemon drizzle at 10% with high vg at 4mg nic dripped on a veritas RDA @.7 ohms is the nuts!!! DIY has proved it's worth already!

you COULD wash them and reuse them .. they are mega cheap on ebay if you look around though (sealed as well) to the point that back when I used syringes i was far too lazy and just used them for a session binned them and opened another.

also .. i know its cost .. but best practise I feel - I find after a few uses they get all jerky and sticky anyways
Yes you can re-use them, just put under fairly warm water running tap and drw in water and push out a few times, try not to wipe where markings are then shake off water... If you rinse with fairly warm water it stop it from sticking inside..... Or better than that have a friend like me who kits out ambulances, so i get all the supplies i need ;-)

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I'm a lazy arse messy fekker. Have two syringes on the go, a 1ml one and a 10ml one. Never wash 'em or rinse 'em. Just give 'em an 'air squirt' after use, and carry on using them until the numbers wear off, then I bin them and use a new couple. :yahoo:
I'm a lazy arse messy fekker. Have two syringes on the go, a 1ml one and a 10ml one. Never wash 'em or rinse 'em. Just give 'em an 'air squirt' after use, and carry on using them until the numbers wear off, then I bin them and use a new couple. :yahoo:

Same method as me lol
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