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Rose V2 Pallas clone


Mar 14, 2014
This isn't really a review so I hope I've posted this in the right place.

Before I go any further I have to mention how awesome PuffPalace are. I've bought 2 clones from them now and they have both arrived extremely fast and well packaged, both been good quality and how the hell they keep their prices so low is a complete mystery.


My Rose V2 clone arrived this morning and I have only just got chance to have a play but this blows my original KFL+ out of the water. It took me 45 minutes to get her up and running but the flavour and vapour from my Nanabozo is outstanding! I've got a simple 1.7 ohm 2mm micro coil with organic cotton and she is singing, I'm so suprised I was lucky enough to get it running nicely on my first build, was expecting for it to take me at least a few attempts.

I'm so impressed that I'm going to start saving now and by the time the genuine V3 is available il have enough money to snap one up.

So yeah for £18 I can't recommend this atti enough, il have to give it a couple weeks solid use before I give it my final verdict but things aren't looking good for the Kayfun.
I will add to your glowing recommendation for puff palace like you also had two clones a Kayfun and a Pallas Rose V2. Both are quality clones and arrived rapidly.

However unlike yourself still not had it the Rose up & running can't get to grips with it what so ever. Expected it to be a challenge but wow I'm shocked how tricky it is. Can I ask you what thickness Kanthal your using and how your going about your build?


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Stick with it Tom, it does reward effort and patience.
Just one thing, I remove the grub screws completely before trying to get the coil legs in, it helped a bit the last couple of times as they slotted in first time!! But getting the legs straight and lined up is a PITA.
IF it had been possible to morph a Rose V2 and a SquapeR I reckon they'd have had the ultimate for this type and style of Atty.:read:
I will add to your glowing recommendation for puff palace like you also had two clones a Kayfun and a Pallas Rose V2. Both are quality clones and arrived rapidly.

However unlike yourself still not had it the Rose up & running can't get to grips with it what so ever. Expected it to be a challenge but wow I'm shocked how tricky it is. Can I ask you what thickness Kanthal your using and how your going about your build?


Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes

I'm using .3 kanthal, 9 wraps around what I think is about a 2mm screw driver for a 1.7ohm coil , then I just split each end of the wick and feed it through the slots and cut them flush. One thing I have noticed is it gunks up the coils quick, I'm rewicking once every 2-3 tank fulls.
IF it had been possible to morph a Rose V2 and a SquapeR I reckon they'd have had the ultimate for this type and style of Atty.:read:

I think a Squape deck and airflow control and the Rose juice control in one atti would be pretty unbeatable.
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