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RTA Sizes??


Sep 25, 2012
Hi all. Firstly appologies if this has already been covered elsewhere on the forum. Secondly appologies for not being around for a while!Im currently using a iTaste with a mini vivi nova tank which all seems to fit together in good proportion. Im looking at buying a RTA but dont know which one to buy as i cant seem to find any size comparisons to the mini nova.Does anyone know which are similar in size to the mini nova? Anyone have any comparison pics? I like the look of the Aga T+ but have a feeling its going to be too big for the iTaste. Also i dont fancy spending more than £30.Cheers.
The Aga-T is a fair bit bigger than a ViviNova but not mahoosive. It doesn't look out of place on a Lavatube for example, and looks cracing on a vamo and for the money I'd say grab it. Also, everyone has been going mental for the Igo-L (Igo-SS) RDA but as I don't have one (probably should add yet on the end of that) I can't comment.

Edit: Just reread your post and compared to a MINI nova, the Aga-T is Brobdignagian! And that's my big word for the day done and dusted!
I dont know of any comparable in size to the mini Nova. Most are slightly bigger in diameter than the 3.5 Vivi Nova and between 20% and 50% taller - they need a separate atomizer chamber and room to build and attach a wick & coil and there's a bit of physics in that.
Not a true RTA (not genesis compatible), but have you thought about a Vision Eternity?
The 'original' RTA by Clockworks is about the same size as a standard Vivi Nova... I've not seen any that are 'ego' sized like the Mini Nova as yet, but if you can't find any that suit you, maybe Clockworks could be persuaded to do a custom build?

Hi all. Firstly appologies if this has already been covered elsewhere on the forum. Secondly appologies for not being around for a while!Im currently using a iTaste with a mini vivi nova tank which all seems to fit together in good proportion. Im looking at buying a RTA but dont know which one to buy as i cant seem to find any size comparisons to the mini nova.Does anyone know which are similar in size to the mini nova? Anyone have any comparison pics? I like the look of the Aga T+ but have a feeling its going to be too big for the iTaste. Also i dont fancy spending more than £30.Cheers.

alright mate .. wondered where you had got too!

the Aga-T is awesome .. but also ... mahoosive ... and would make your itaste look like .. well a babys arm making a fist.

the aga-s is the smaller verison .. and thinnner .. I think it would sit quite nicely on your iTaste!
Cheers for the info guys. Shame the Aga-s isn't clear.......I like to see how much juice is in there!
oh believe me .. you would know when its empty :)
Think I might go for one of those then! ZT I'm on my second iTaste now.....1st battery died :( Wouldn't mind something a bit bigger n better but not sure the missus would approve lol
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