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RTA Sizes??

oh crap! in what way died? (just natural battery life?) or something untoward?

hope you got a good run out of it :(
ps: the vamo is a good affordable piece of kit ...

I think it rolls in less than the itaste
It just stopped holding charge so I'm guessing something came loose inside. It still works when used as a pass through which is a bonus! Will go hunt around for info on the vamo now!
Could just be the battery natural life span .. all batteries eventually stop holding charge
Any links for uk vendors of the vamo? Also do you charge by removing batteries or can it be a pass through?
you remove the batteries mate .. its preferable IMO ... coz you can have spare batteries ...
and Id give a link but a lot of the vendors on here have them! and don't want to look like I'm dishing out a preference .. have a look in the vendors section :)

the Vamo can use 2 different battery sizes as well
Hiya. Nice to see you again. Just to say the aga-s is brilliant, it's pretty much all I use now and although at first I wasn't sure about the full ss tank, you quickly get used to it and like ZT said, you soon know when it's empty. Plus it looks the tits :)
What's the battery life like? My iTaste runs out after 6hrs of fairly heavy use!
my vamo on 18650 mode will give me 1.5 days

on 18350 (smaller battery) less half a day ish
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