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Russian 91% - learning curve?


Jul 26, 2012
Hi folks
I've been limiting may vaping, for the past couple of weeks, to exclusive use of the Russian 91%, as I really wanted to get to grips with all of it's foibles, with view to gaining the confidence to take it out and about as my 'daily vape' (mainly because it holds enough juice to easily see me through a day away from home and top up supplies). I have been very careful, and mindful, about the position of the wicks, with regard to restricting the juice channels, because, all of the youtube tutorials told me to. And yes, the Russian performed very well both with silica and cotton wicking and with microcoils and bog standard wraps. Since those early days of fastidious carefulness, my confidence with the Russian has increased and, recently, my build methods have changed. No longer do I care,or even think, about 'juice channels'. The past few 'just for the sake of trying' builds have been very quick and rough shod. Slap the microcoil on, shove a decent length of cotton ball through, shove it up the chimney, trim off the excess, poke the remainder back down the chimney, regardless of where it lies, fill with juice, and vape with carefree abandonment. No leaking, excellent juice delivery. with the whole kit and caboodle solid as a rock.
Purely confidence with the unit, or is the advocated precision an over rated burden on our, already, cluttered and befuddled, vaper brains? My gut feeling is that it's all down to the juice channels and if they are clean and clear, with no bad machining swarf and burr remnants, the Russian (and also the KF) will wick and vape like a good 'un regardless, as long as there's some wicking on and near the deck to soak up the juice.

ps. Something else that I've 'learned' by continuous use of the Russian is that, for me anyway, a simple hand wrapped, but tight and tidy, coil over a doubled bit of 2mm silica is the best vape I can get, superior to cotton, and, I suspect, going by what others have found, that swapping the silica for a bit of ekowool or voodo will be even better.
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just got one this morning from another site....want to give it a good polish up first then will be trying it :)
Haha @ the jester give yourself a half hour of peaceful solitude to fit your first coil! I didn't find it over difficult, but nipping the wires to the post was, at first, tediously fiddly for me.
I can confirm that the voodoo wicks are fantastic,no flavour from the likes of silica to me,easily given a rinse under the tap if changing flavours & no dry burnt cotton wool if I run it dry(as most of my juices are known tank crackers,I have all ss)accidently.My 91% doesn't get used that often as I find it is too tight a draw when out n about walking,but I keep it for trips away from home where it might need stuffed in a pocket as it's my only device that doesn't leak its contents all over my pockets.
Love my russian 91s. Love love love. I have a pair and between them and whatever dripper I like that week nothing else gets a look in. I think it simply is a matter if practice. First few times you build it you think "this is brilliant" after a few more builds it gets better until you find your sweet spot for it.

It is a fiddly wee thing. But performance combined with ZERO leaking ( a bloody revelation after some tanks!) And it's capacity make it just about perfect for me as a daily use device.

Keep meaning to buy some voodoo wool, but as my cotton wool supply looks like it will last me the next 20 years I just keep forgetting to order some.

For me it's microil+cotton. I aim for 1-1.1 ohm. Current setup is 1.13ohm and lovely.

If I fancy anything lower resistance/cloudier then I use drippers anyway. But a low - ish resistance russian is the closest vape to dripping that I've found without leaks or hassle when out and about.

I have tried many different coils and wick set-ups and it never fails to deliver....like you, I'm not too fussy now vis wick position.
I use ekowool all the time, but take care in building coils as I re-use mine and threading the wick is easier on a nice tight coil.
One of my kayfuns has a vertical "chimney" coil and the wick is a piece of ekowool literally tied around it and draped on the decks.
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