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Safe build for my battery.


Jan 23, 2016
Hi all, I've got my first mech mod due to arrive next week!
I've got a battery I know I can use safely, but I also have some spare batteries that aren't used since I sold my Sigelei 100w+.

They're 22 amp high drain, 3.6v. My friends are telling me I can safely build around 0.5 ohms with them, but I'm not so sure. They're rewrapped IMRs with no faults in the wrapping. I'd just like some more opinions from more experienced vapers like yourselves. I don't want to blow my hand off five minutes into my first mech mod!!
Not knowing what's actually under the wrap I wouldn't go below 0.5 but I would also keep a close eye on them, check they aren't getting too hot after use and things like that
Perhaps @Huggett or @Tubbyengineer might be able to shed some light on what's under the wrap?
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