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Serious question... How can people be so stoopid?

there was a discussion about this on here a while ago where some folk were angry icke’s covid hoax videos were banned on youtube or something. on freedom of speech grounds.

i was quite happy to hear it. it’s quite dangerous, this stuff.
was he banned from facebook as well? what’s going on with his hair?

Serious answer. The thing is that I have more respect for people that believe it's all a hoax and go and demonstrate than I do for people who believe it's real and then don't bother and do what the hell they like anyway?
Well if they think it’s a hoax, they should carry “I’m dumb as shit” cards, so the NHS doesn’t have to waste its valuable time, effort and resources trying to sort their hoax virus out.
With all the shit from the government regarding Covid-19
i'm not surprised people are coming to their own conclusions.
Far-Fetched as they may be.
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