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setting up rebuildables


Aug 21, 2012
So, I've only ever used fairly basic stuff such as the imist, the aspire and other stuff that's already set up.

Now I'm buying a rebuildable (steam turbine clone) and I have no idea how to set it up. I can't see any detail on the multitude of YouTube tutorials and to be honest I struggle to concentrate on them anyway.

Can anybody either link me to or write me a step by step?

I would love you forever :)
Somebody needs to look a bit harder.... Good luck mate.

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That genuinely didn't come up on my search! Stupid YouTube. Thank you kindly though dude/dudette :-/

So I just wrap the wire around the mesh and then get it under that central washer on the middle bit?
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So I just wrap the wire around the mesh and then get it under that central washer on the middle bit?

That's the theory behind it. In practice it's a little more difficult. Give it a month or two of constant practice, a few dozen square yards of mesh, 2 or 3 hundred yards of wire and you'll soon get the hang of it.
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