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.....shiny flippin itus......lol

I don't think I have shinyitus...I have a mini protank 2 and a evod, both with kanger evod vv batteries, and they do what I need them to do. I rewick with cotton but I don't coil myself.


I seem to have severe juicyitus!! Can't stop looking for and buying juice. Seem to find something new I want to try every day!

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@Inky68 would they look good on her? Do you still need them? These are the questions you need to consider, it might be worth it....
Probably would, no not really they're usually in her hand bag most of the time..... so yeah fuck it point me to some shiny!
It seems to snowball!
I had a few Gamucci micro's for the first 2 years, then a pair of ego c-twists with protank minis, aero tank mini and mega, Diamond mist Cronus (Sigelei Legend V2), used Joyetech Evic with Siam tube and Fogger V2, Kayfun 3.1 clone, cheap VHO Cronus clone, Stainless Steel Fogger V2 tank, Plumeveil Veritas and Atomic RDA clones, Stingray X clone and a used Panzer Clone.

Waiting on my first Fasttech order. a Tobh, Vapelyfe Tesla clone, Vapelyfe drip tips and spare Fogger V2 tanks.

Just ordered a VaporShark rDNA and sharkskin using the excuse its for three years without a smoke... It was that or the Evic Supreme but I thought its too damn tall and I haven't got a box mod, I'd have just got the DNA but I prefer to be able to swap out the battery.

Don't think I'll wan't anything for awhile.... I hope.
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