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Should I bother?


May 31, 2015
I currently have a subox mini which I have used for about 4 months and do enjoy it but I fancy one of these temp controlled mods. But is it really worth it?

Looking around and reviews I have decided to go for a seglie 150w temp controlled mod and an uwell crown tank with 0.25 ohm coils. Question is would I really notice the difference of my vape? Not really interested in massive clouds but I'm all for more flavour, it's also something new to play with albeit it will cost me £100. If it helps I use Heidi Heisenbergs juices at 70/30 6mg nic

So does anybody have any advice that can help me to decide?

Thanks in advance.
I fancy one of these temp controlled mods. But is it really worth it?

For me it was, but I don't use stock coils. I used to have a lot of issues with burning using kanthal, so for me TC revolutionised vaping. I'm OK with kanthal now and I do have a couple of mechs with kanthal builds, but 90% of my vaping is TC these days. I love the stability and precision of the vape, and never having to worry about anything burning.

If you don't have an immediate need for TC, or you don't want to splash out only to try TC, then I would advise waiting until you want a new mod anyway (for non-TC vaping) and get one with TC functionality so that you can try it out of curiosity. That way if you don't get on with TC, you still have a mod you want to keep - ie the expenditure is justifiable even if you never use the TC feature. If you're set on a Crown (or high airflow subohm tanks in general), you may find the subox lacks the power to get the best out of it and you need something like the Sig 150W to run it properly in non-TC mode anyway (I've not tried a crown myself, this is just what I tend to see people saying on the internet).
Looks like a classic case @derkster of trying to justify something for which you have no requirement or need.
Best thing you can do is research temperature control a bit more then decide whether it will bring you any benefit. Otherwise it is just something new to play with.
Not going to lie it will be a nice shiney thing to play with but I like the idea of the control and the safety but is that the only thing that it will have over the subox? Will I get a noticeable difference in the flavours as well?
Not going to lie it will be a nice shiney thing to play with but I like the idea of the control and the safety but is that the only thing that it will have over the subox? Will I get a noticeable difference in the flavours as well?

Flavour is usually more to do with the atomiser and build than what powers it, Aproperly built heron will give great flavour on anything that can deliver 20w, you might not get huge clouds but you will get great flavour, generally high airflow high wattage atomisers will give less flavour than something with a very small build deck and low airflow rate...
i tried TC and it wasnt for me but i can highly recommend the crown tank. its fookin amazing for flavors.
still use nautllus, subtank mini, freemax srarre pro but the crown wins for flavor.
Even if not using temperature control still go for the Sigelei 150W TC as you get a better hit and vape than most single 18650 mods and longer battery life, not exactly pocket size but I love mine
Just sayin' likesay, you can get an Ipv 4s for $40...
Just saying...
Looks better than the Sig too....:21:

I'm just restarting the whole TC thang after a couple of less than stellar experiences with under powered devices and silly thin Ni200 wire.
So far, for me the change in kit is worth the hassle and cost. Titanium wire in the Aromamizer and the out-frakking-standng NiFe30 wire in the Mut X. Standard built drippers haven't been touched in a week. The flavour off the juice is beyond belief, hell even a couple of unimpressive juices have come to life in a way I never thought possible.

Now, I'm not saying go blow cash you don't have or need to on new kit. Watch the reviews, look thro' the forum, ask away on here, even better find someone with TC kit and have a wee go.

THEN, go and get the IPV 4 and some Niffy wire.....

Note: the creature known as 'Embrasewerrat' is in NO way responsible for your spending habits or your new kit addiction. Despite blatant encouragement....
I rarely vape Kanthal builds now an love TC, I have found stock TC coils to be fairly disappointing so far though and find tanks where I do builds myself give much better results.
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