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showcasing "stargazing" clickfet squonker small stabwood hybrid


Mod Maker
Jun 12, 2016
this little mod is a small box mod normally it would be a pure mech but I have installed a clickfet


"The Wall"

Juba: You Americans. You think you know it all. You think it's simple. That I am your enemy. But we are not so different, you and I.

Isaac: Yeah, 'cept I ain't a terrorist.

Juba: And you think I am? You are the one who has come to another man's country. Camouflaged yourself in his land, in his soil. From where I'm sitting, *you* look very much like the terrorist.

the film was a weird mix of ups and down very watchable from both angles

I haven't got any pictures of the making due to the fact I just forgot so here is a picture of a toilet we removed carefully the other day with Barry (aka sledgehammer)


I wasn't keen on the lav and it had to go

now 'Rant Alert'

I read an interesting thing about calling mods different names. I have and still do call some of my mods "semi mechs" in my mind a mech has no moving parts (electronic) its mechanical or is it as a purest a mech that uses a spring loaded 510 is not a pure mech.....ok so if I use a tube and a clickfet board whats that a clickfet or switchfet mod ? no in my mind its a semi mech due to the fact it fires at full bore there is no regulation so I would call it semi-mechanical not fully regulated, now some people said that's wrong, right, I drive a small Peugeot van but what do I call it a car derived van a Peugeot van a Peugeot?
it gets silly but seeing as I made this mod from scratch I call it what I want, so "boo suck to you" I thankyou 'rant over'

stargazing has lemal in the resin that's sterling silver dust and filings have a gander


here is a video in the paw you can see the sparkling bits

this mod I will put in the mod sale section and it will be dirt cheap as I want to know if it's a good design

next time hmmmmm

it could be "Sarah" it could be something else.....

if you love my mods then like them buy one....
That purple is amazing

However a mod called Sarah would probably be your best mod ever :D
"Sarah" is lovely

the colours in stargazing are quite complex I used about 7 to start then changed my mind and put different ones in the cast so its come out a bit mixed but oddly I didn't use any purple
"Sarah" is lovely

the colours in stargazing are quite complex I used about 7 to start then changed my mind and put different ones in the cast so its come out a bit mixed but oddly I didn't use any purple

Reds and blues?
Fucking amazing stu as usual how much?

not sure yet will be bunging it on the sales section soon but it would be 1/3 less than I would expect to pay than my competition online just because I like hitting the tree with a big stick

if you watch the vid the button is also your led light to tell you 5 clicks on, 5 clicks off Daniel-san
not sure yet will be bunging it on the sales section soon but it would be 1/3 less than I would expect to pay than my competition online just because I like hitting the tree with a big stick

if you watch the vid the button is also your led light to tell you 5 clicks on, 5 clicks off Daniel-san
I'll keep refreshing the sales thread at the same time as my bank account to see if I can afford it [emoji23]
That's a gorgeous semi click 5 on 5 off Peugeot van car hybrid mod you have there[emoji6] another beauty Stu !
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