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single coil rda for 15v 5w VW battery?


Dec 29, 2014
So, I know my little iPow2 hasn't got the oomph of some of the bigger mods, but its what I've got and all I can afford right now, so that's where I'm at.

I really want to run an RDA on it so I can drip - I'm a flavour chaser so not interested in clouds one bit - I also like to change flavours a lot so dripping would be great for that -

Can anyone reccomend an RDA and build that I could run that would give me a good experience?

My device is regulated / protected and will fire down to 1.1 ohms.

I've been sniffing around trying to work it out for myself, but I'm a total noob. - I'm really hoping someone who knows their stuff will be able to say 'buy this, do that, enjoy'.

Just to make it harder, I'm pretty damn poor, so affordability is a massive factor for me. If there's an RDA that would suit me for £20 or less, that'd be great.. £10 or less even better.. Although prolly asking the impossible.
I had a look on google and it suggested that the Ipow 2 was 19mm in diameter, so I googled 19mm RDA and a couple came up. What you are looking for is something with a well around the bottom of the posts, atties like the Yoda leak like a sieve in my experience. The IGO W is 19mm so that would be a possibility

$4.97 IGO-W Style Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer - triple-post / 1*airhole at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

It is triple post, but only one airhole so there would be nothing stopping you single coiling it.
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