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SIze of Clapton coils?

@EmbraSewerRat I can make coils fine, been making my own for 5 years now. I have a drawer full of genesis I've been winding for before my Rose. It was just the calculation of a Clapton I needed to get my head around. Now I know I'll be fine.
This might help ya? It's what I use


ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes Forum1485690950.707970.jpg

Select wire type then play until you get your value right in the results section.

Something like this?
ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes Forum1485691062.484352.jpg

This is based on a 3mm ID. Quite close to what u are wanting?
@Tony if aiming at .5 dual coiled as @EmbraSewerRat said you can just ignore the wrap unless you're using a low gauge to wrap. 32g is where a lot of folk start and work their way up. Generally speaking the higher gauge the wrap the lesser impact on ramp.

I know you said that you'd rather dodge making your own, I'd encourage you to build your own.

Other than materials the only other thing you need is (for most folk) is a drill and some time to have a practice. When you're learning they don't have look perfect to function well and each one will get better. Get your wire from @stealthvape for the price of a few sets of coils you'll build yourself dozens. You don't need to make 3foot of wire at a time. 5 inches will do, that's all I do for any coil I build. I'm always, as many others are here to help if need be, I've got a how to vid somewhere in the guide section, it's well out of date now but the principles are the same.

Edit:. @Tony just seen your later post dude, ref: Clapton calc pics - ignore the above waffle - offer still stands of advice if needed though. [emoji4]
Thank you @cloudcuckoo. I'm quite confident at winding coils but I've only ever used 0.32 single coils at 1.5ohms in my Rose. I've been winding the same size for years so I can do that with my eyes shut. It's this all this sub ohm palaver that's new to me. Been having trouble tracking a RTA deck for a Cleito, Amazon sending me one for the 120 but I've got one coming this week. Also got a Goon clone coming as well so I'll have plenty to practice on.

I'll keep you all posted with the results, jut got to get some wire.

Got my Son to blame for this total change in lifestyle, I was quite happy with my Rose V2 with 1.5 coil.
@Yoda vapes Thanks for that. I got that bit sussed now as well. I was just using the basic coil page, hadn't ventured that far yet :)
Probably not the best Claptons in the world, certainly not the tightest wound but they're mine all mine. Managed to successfully wind some 0.2 around a 0.4 core and get enough for a matching pair that are currently (No pun intended) running at 0.51Ω. It was fiddly, taught the parrot a few new words but I got there.

Hardest part was rewinding the rest of the 25 meter 0.2 that had Skippy the bush kangarood itself all round the kitchen floor. They'll get better with practice.

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