Personal preferences and all that play a factor, juices, Mouth to Lung or Direct To Lung, cool vape, warm vape etc.
Based on my 70/30 pudding type juices and warmer vape here's where I'm at.
The supplied fused Clapton coils are pretty good but I mostly use Kanthal Flapton wire, spaced coils work best for me as I use 'coil killer' pudding type juices.
I'm still playing around with different wires so probably the wrong person to ask, Stainless, Ni80, but I still go back to the trusty simple 5 wrap build Kanthal Flapton wire as it just works well for me in the Prince RBA deck.
Apart from that, the selection boxes from Demon Killer etc. were what I experimented with at first and are good to try, most should come out around the ohms you are looking for but you might need an extra wrap on some.
Playing around with different wires is all part of the hobby for me.
Sorry I can't be of more help.