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Smok TFV8 Big Baby Light Edition EU Tank 2ml

In the UK yes 2ml is the max which is even worse with recent mesh style coils.

Fast Tech is in China so you can just order the non TPD one.

Alternatively you can find a 2ml one in the UK and buy a separate bubble glass.
Bit of an update ! I ordered the chimney extension and tried it on a baby coil (t6) . I also put a bubble glass on. So now I can fit loads of juice in and the flavour and vape has been good with jam donut for the last week. Then I came to change the coil but guess what ... the chimney adapter piece is stuck on the old coil ! Can’t get it to unscrew at all... tried using a rubber band and pliers ... no luck so I am back to a big baby tpd v8 eu q2 coil which is terrible :(
Chimney adapter only a quid to replace but takes about a week to arrive . Frustrating ! Any ideas on how to prevent to chimney adapter getting stuck (or getting the stuck one off?! )
hi, no the scratch panel has not been scratched off yet. I am going to see if I can verify it. It's not that obvious on the smoktech site how to verify the hardware. Looks like I have to install an app ...
Anyway ... I got a new coil the other day and that tasted weird at first too but I tried with a different flavour juice (jam donut) and it's been ok yesterday. I could see that the new new coil was 0.4 but the device was still set to 0.15 so not sure if I had it set up incorrectly the first 2 times I tried it. I have ordered a chimney adapter and some baby coils to try as an alternative to the big baby coils. Interested to find out more about the mesh coils as I think I can taste the cotton.
Turns out my neighbour has been using mesh coils for big baby and does not report any problem...
Make sure the mod reads the correct resistance. You don't want a .4 coil being read as .15 or vice versa as the power delivery will be incorrect. When you change a coil press the fire button on the mod whilst the tank is removed. Then screw the tank back on with the new coil. If the mod asks you "new" or "old" when you first fire the new coil always select "new".
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