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So any recommendations based on my thoughts so far?....


Feb 28, 2016
Hi folks,

There is probably a better place for this thread but I am still currently trying to prove that I am not here to sell you cheap Ray-Bans lol.

I have been vaping now for 21 months and have slowly upgraded my gear from the cheapest CE4 type pens to my new Kangertech Subox Nano (because purple right?) and Topbox Mini 75w. Sub-ohm vaping is really new to me as i was completely happy with my KiK Vape 03 until i got my partner an Istick 50W and Isub g for xmas and the liquids smelled so good that I had to get me a piece of the action....lol.

I am looking for recommendations for liquids here as I have spent a fortune and had varying results. I should also mention that my taste buds are very queer (possibly due to damage in my nasal receptors from menthol inhalers) , one example being that KIK cloud Raspberry Ripple that my partner adores and thinks is super tasty I barely taste anything from, another being Jungle Fever from Ruthless i get some sort of frutiness but the only way i can describe the underlying taste i get is like how uncooked instant noodles smell (i know weird much?). Just looking for some input based on my likes and dislike so far. I like sweet liquids and fruity and i don't mind a little hint of menthol in them(as long as it is a hint). Flavours need to be strong as well because of the aforementioned queer tastebuds and no tobacco :P.

Some of my juices so far


Charlie Chalk Dust: Trueberry Sugar & Knife, Drama Swirl. Ruthless: Grape Drank. One Hit Wonder: Muffin Man.


Charlie Chalk Dust : Wonder Worm, Dream Cream, Head Bangin Boogie, Mustache Milk. Ruthless: Swamp Thang, Ez Duz It, SherBae. BORDO2(Jean Cloud): Stratospheric, Vape on the Beach, Le Voyageur, L'ange Gardan. NJoy Artist Collection: Hedon's bite, Samba Sun, Sacre Couer.

OMG! why? why?

Njoy Artist Collection: Paramour. Penguin: Yellow Eyed( thought i was on to a winner with this as lemon cake is my favorite but dear god wtf is that?).

Running all my tanks with stock clapton coils( my rba is not playing nice) between 30-35w.

Apologies for the wall of text thanks for taking the time.

Welcome to the forum.

I was going to recommend Njoy, which are my current favourites, but you've tried them already.

I'm similar to you in that my taste buds have retired and there are very few brands that are consistently strong enough for me.

The only one that isn't mentioned in your list is Manabush, reputed to be tobacco based, but not like any tobacco I've tried. Try Chiricahua Sun and Mojave Dessert, both strong flavours.

Must Vape Walrus and Cali Steam Juicy Orchard are outstanding fruity flavours.
Try a nice heisenberg can't thing of a stronger and interesting flavoured juice so far vampire vapes one is the best one I've had.
........continuing from the suggestion above, how did I forget Tmax Snake Oil?

Orange, lemon, menthol and aniseed combine beautifully, and although it may sound horrible it has to be tried. They will send you a 10ml sample for the price of the shipping.
Another fan of Charlies Drama Swirl! good man! haha. I have some cinnamon danish concentrate that tastes just like it (minus the apricot, which i plan on ordering to recreate my own)

one i love and recommend (on the sweeter side) is Wick Liqour Juice Co - Deja Voodoo, coconut husk and sugar cane. or Boulevard (by the same company)
I have a similar problem with taste now - Strong flavours taste horrible and most milder flavours I don't even taste.

I discovered South Coast Vapes, which I can vape all day and still get enough flavour. I've tried Cali Custard an Nipple Juice. Great juices
+1 for snake oil and add digbys dr jeckyll maybe and mad murdochs pluid was legendary stuff apparently n'all(used to be sold with a diluter iirc) although one i never got to try it and two dont know if its still around
Thanks for the suggestions folks. i will have a look at the ones you have suggested. I figured it would be good to ask here as there were probably some folks who suffered from similar problems to me.

Thanks again

My taste buds are shot to shizzle after 16+ years of smoking the evil sticks. Ive found cake/pastry flavours (i.e banana donut, lemon cheesecake) pack out more of a flavour rather than the sole fruit flavours. Personally anything menthol I dont bother with as I find it usually over powers any other flavours its supposed to have in.

I also moved from a Sub-Ohm tank to a dripper and the flavour increase is immense. Even juices Id tried and disliked in a tank atty taste completely different and better on the dripperoonie.
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