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Some RBA Advice


Sep 9, 2021
I’m thinking of getting another rba and am a mtl vaper and use 50/50 juice with 1-1.2ohm 2.5mm id coils and aside from flavour/draw a must have is to be able to remove the deck without draining the tank for building. I’m looking at the Steamshell, Skynet and Rubik (clones) and either a Snail or Crypt tank. My thoughts are;
  • Rubik - looks the most suited to mtl but I’m not sure if you can remove the deck and leave the juice in there plus swapping an air pin dislodges the build
  • Steamshell – have to remove the air pin and use a 510 adaptor for building
  • Skynet - not sure if it’ll fit in a Snail and it seems like it may be more suited to rdl than mtl.
TIA for your thoughts and advice and other suggestions welcome.
I use the Dope mostly and just suck out the juice from the tank with the bottle I use to fill it up with.
It's pretty simple to do and that way it doesn't restrict your choice.
Ta for the replies. My only rba is the bishop 3 and it's v good. I've seen the above vid on the rubik but it didn't mention if you can remove the deck without draining the tank as it appears the chimney has to be fitted in a certain way hence my query as it's a must have for me.
I’m thinking of getting another rba and am a mtl vaper and use 50/50 juice with 1-1.2ohm 2.5mm id coils and aside from flavour/draw a must have is to be able to remove the deck without draining the tank for building. I’m looking at the Steamshell, Skynet and Rubik (clones) and either a Snail or Crypt tank. My thoughts are;
  • Rubik - looks the most suited to mtl but I’m not sure if you can remove the deck and leave the juice in there plus swapping an air pin dislodges the build
  • Steamshell – have to remove the air pin and use a 510 adaptor for building
  • Skynet - not sure if it’ll fit in a Snail and it seems like it may be more suited to rdl than mtl.
TIA for your thoughts and advice and other suggestions welcome.
I've not come across a way, to adjust a build, without emptying the tank, indeed, its impossible with a traditional Boro.

I’m with @Mr Ripple , on this, I’m a fan of the dope. And his idea for clean emptying, is top notch.
One thing I have noticed, and it’s for most Boros. It’s that If your tank doesn’t leak, through the air pin, when you fill your boro. You’re well over wicked. So you need to close your air ports. Either with its adjuster, or with your finger. Once you close the fill port, if you’re properly wicked, it won’t leak. (Well any more than any Boro. They aren’t really known for their juice retention capabilities, after all.)
It just seems like a non-story to me. Wicking should be part of your questioning as you vape the tank dry and before refilling it, kinda similar to a pod where you ask yourself is this coil OK for another refill? Not keep vaping till the wheels fall off.
Coming from rtas and stock coil tanks means I never have to worry about what juice is in the tank when I need to change the build or replace a coil and I don't have to with the Bishop 3 either, but hey ho everyone has their own opinions.
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