I put the Picatiny back in service yesterday after a week off, and goodness me this thing is good. In fact, it's so good it's making me not want to vape anything else any more, but only in doing so I am reminding myself how good it is.
There's no doubt about it, this is the best 'mainstream' atty of the year by far for me, of all the atty's I've tried, and it's putting everything else so far in the shade you need a torch to see them.
This is one I actually can justify the expense on, and I have no regrets about spending the money on an authentic at all. It was worth every penny.
And once more for the record, assembly and disassembly are both easy once you've got the knack of them. It's extremely flavoursome, leak free, super smooth and as quiet as a Church mouse. Don't be put off by it being unusualness of it or the nay-sayers, it works, and it works very well indeed.
This is a triumph.