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Squeeze 2

doesn't do TC though does it? ;)

I dunno, I guess it goes both ways, there's people that don't like the squeeze because it's not adjustable and people that like it because if it. I'm not sold on this for a lot of reasons, the looks, the size, the position of stuff but for me the board is a welcome addition.

I don’t do TC either, it’s a waste of time in my opinion. Maybe that’s why I love the Pico so much...we were kindred spirits.
To be honest I think most people want fully regulated/adjustable mods.

Lots of regulated mods like that knocking about for people, sadly the Pico has now just become one of those many instead of being different.

On the bigger Squonk groups (UKS etc) the vast majority have a Squeeze, I bet I can count on 1 hand how many will have the Squeeze 2. Squonking is still quite niche compared to tanks, market isn't that big so can't work out why eLeaf dump a USP to join the vast ranks of others.

Oh well, just ordered myself a Silver and Black Squeeze from FT, least I'll have those to go with.
Lots of regulated mods like that knocking about for people, sadly the Pico has now just become one of those many instead of being different.

On the bigger Squonk groups (UKS etc) the vast majority have a Squeeze, I bet I can count on 1 hand how many will have the Squeeze 2. Squonking is still quite niche compared to tanks, market isn't that big so can't work out why eLeaf dump a USP to join the vast ranks of others.

Oh well, just ordered myself a Silver and Black Squeeze from FT, least I'll have those to go with.

yeah, I see your point ..... I think most of the bigger Chinese companies have this habit though, they just copy each other .... all these twin cell/ screen on the side mods are all looking very similar at the moment and the original pico design has been copied a few times.
I almost like it, glad to see you can fit a 24mm atty on there, the thing I love most about the Pico 1 is it's so compact and pocket friendly.

As for mech vs regulated, I have a few Pulses and as much as I love them the regulated VW mods I have are way better (especially the dual battery ones for instant power), sometimes that few extra watts makes all the difference and full wattage until the battery needs charging, my COV Wraith is my favourite single battery squonker with it's variable wattage, if I do a duff build the Pulse or Pico can't handle the Wraith will.

That said if they do a white or stainless version I think I will probably get one.

Clearly going to be one of those love or hate things, I have a Gbox I simply don't like and compared to the Capo 216 it's a dog.
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