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Squonk box mod


Jan 12, 2016
Hi all just seen this on ecigone any one used this before or thinks it's worth a punt
ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes Forum1500315456.350948.jpg
Someone at AAEC has bought one of these. His thoughts are in the pic.
Well looking at that it looks as though it is in a similar vein to many of the other Chinese made squonkers, buy it as if you are buying an enclosure and be prepared to upgrade the contacts and 510.

Just out of idle curiosity, I wonder if we will soon see empty 3D printed squonk enclosures for sale on UK sites? I have absolutely no idea how much it would cost to produce one, but with 3D printers becoming affordable enough for people to have at home I'm sure someone will spot a hole in the market.
Sadly it.seems nothing has improved since the first run of frankie clones. It's such a simple concept I wish the Chinese boy's would consult with squonk users on the basics. We have most of the main Chinese middle men on the forum. There seems to be a complete lack of understanding of the subject matter. If they made a simple mech mod that worked (not difficult) a single cell regulated squonker and a dual cell regulated squonker with the expertise they prove they have time and time again with quality clones they would sell by the bucket load.
I know vaping is pretty much unknown in china and as long as it sells they will make it but a little more research will pay massive dividends.
Well looking at that it looks as though it is in a similar vein to many of the other Chinese made squonkers, buy it as if you are buying an enclosure and be prepared to upgrade the contacts and 510.

Just out of idle curiosity, I wonder if we will soon see empty 3D printed squonk enclosures for sale on UK sites? I have absolutely no idea how much it would cost to produce one, but with 3D printers becoming affordable enough for people to have at home I'm sure someone will spot a hole in the market.
Not much at all evidently, I've just paid a tenner to have an enclosure, door and button printed. Awaiting delivery but I'll let y'all know how it's turned out in due course
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