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Squonk Check


loving the flask. Whoever decided on the logo finish needs to have a word.....

ooh, getting one of these printed as we speak, got pic of internals?

ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes Forum1515497529.350199.jpg

Crap pic I took the other night, but currently have it in bits again making changes to the contacts. I would recommend .5mm contacts (I used .7 here as I had it in the house) because it’s bloody tight on space
ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes Forum1515497906.958084.jpg

Another new toy came through yesterday!

Already swapped to an mm510 and put new contacts in, because I thought the ones it came with were shit.
View attachment 148816

Crap pic I took the other night, but currently have it in bits again making changes to the contacts. I would recommend .5mm contacts (I used .7 here as I had it in the house) because it’s bloody tight on space

OK, my interest is officially piqued, what is that and where did you get it from if you don't mind bud?
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