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Squonk wicking issues


Apr 8, 2017
Hello all,

Really looking for some help / suggestions to get the most from my squonking.

Purchased my Dripbox 160 and was having good results with the supplied RDA. Flavour was good, no dry hits and minimum leakage. I thought as I get better flavour dripping my Tsunami 22, I would invest in a BF pin for this.

BF pin fitted, re-wicked, juice is coming through the pin nicely. BUT... due to the bottom airflow limiting my squeeze on the Tsunami, the juice doesn't seem to really coat my wick. It slowly saturates up the cotton, but doesn't really soak the wick or the coil. I find myself getting a muted flavour, having to take off the metal cap to check and end up dripping as I would normally do anyway.

Should I be wicking differently if I am bottom feeding the juice? Should I invest in an RDA slightly more forgiving (top airflow) until I get used to the squeeze?

Thanks in advance !
I personally avoided bottom airflow when learning to squonk for that very reason. The biggest thing that helped me as well was to buy a cheap velocity clone for sqonking. I got the one from a certain Chinese website. I got this because it has a glass cap so I could see how the wicks were at any time. Blooming good flavour too, its still my favourite RDA for squonking (Until my pulse arrives tomorrow LOL).
Hi LOS, when I wick for squonking I put a quite a bit less wick in. Personally I had no issues with the Tsunami but if you are thinking of getting another attie I would recommend the Psychlone (not clone ones) Hadaly which is freely available and reasonably priced. When I bought mine a while ago it was the first time I'd paid over £35 for an attie, still loving it and worth every penny. I've had clones previously and now building a collection of genuine atties and the difference in them is huge! Think some like to proclaim there the same, but then some proclaim Cross & Blackwell Beans are as good as Heinz!
I haven't had any issue using the tsunami 24 except for the very first time I used it and over "squonked" [emoji16]
Brilliant attie.

Just put a bit more cotton in than you would if you were dripping but obviously dont cover the centre bf pin.
Make sure your cotton is fluffy.
The tsunami 24 is a little more "Roomy" ( As Hannibal lecter said ) so easier to squonk. I would just have the wicks with a little excess at the deck and be sure the pin is clear. Also try wicking with fibre freaks no2. This can be bought cheaply from creme de vape. It's a cotton blend that wicks flawlessly. I use it for all squonk rda' s.
The 22mm Tsunami was notorious for being a right pain in the are and restated the reason buying version 1.0 isnae a good idea!
No enough room on the deck for wicking. Grrrr.

I suppose if your coils aren't too far above the airholes, say 1-2mm and the cotton is just touching base, you should be adequate. You don't need to have much cotton on the deck of a squonker.

But, aye, maybes get a new atty and all will be peachy keen.
https://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10020248/7141100-authentic-oumier-wasp-nano-mini-rda-rebuildable - this is lovely kit!!
Now I have had the Vandy Vape Pulse all my other kit has been buried at the bottom of the garden. Super easy to build on, wick and you have to turn it upside down to over squonk.
Hi guys, cheers for all the hints and tips! Sorry for the delay, been having internet issues for about a week now :/

A recently purchased coppervape Goon arrived and it hasn't left my had. The airholes let me see in a bit and I can gauge when the juice is just at the right level, and the flavour it produces is amazing. Think I will likely go back to using my Tsunami as a regular dripper.

I hear alot of good things about the Hadaly, this maybe on my to try next list
I found the Hadaly a bit too restrictive on airflow for my tastes. Flavour is amazing though.
I found the Hadaly a bit too restrictive on airflow for my tastes. Flavour is amazing though.
Yeh, having read a few reviews unsure whether it would be right for me. I really like nice open airy vapes, and having the goon in there now is a real winner. And for only £7... praise FT.
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