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Squonk wicking issues

Yeh, having read a few reviews unsure whether it would be right for me. I really like nice open airy vapes, and having the goon in there now is a real winner. And for only £7... praise FT.

I'm currently waiting on a spare goon, a goon LP and a wasp nano which are on the FT slow boat from china.
You need a GP Dripper Pro for squonking, I now have three - as of about 30 minutes ago, Top airflow makes it virtually impossible to oversquonk and the flavour is intense...
You need a GP Dripper Pro for squonking, I now have three - as of about 30 minutes ago, Top airflow makes it virtually impossible to oversquonk and the flavour is intense...

Agreed, I have 2 and I love them. I have managed to over squonk all the bottom and side air flow rdas I have tried.

Also they are so beautifully made and have the mechanism that automatically sites the airflow exactly over the coil.
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