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Steeping questions


Nov 3, 2012
I used too steep in a dark cupboard lid off I tried my last batch of VC steeped in sunlight lid on,not convinced this has done any good very quick colour change smells nice vapes like shit very weak taste and that's at 20% with 2.5% sweetener and 2.5% ethyl maltol I'm just about too mix another 30ml and I'm gonna split 3 ways sunlight lid on sunlight lid off and in the cupboard lid off(my usual method) anyone else notice anything diffence when steeping different ways ? Cheers Andy
Just do.mine in a kitchen cupboard. Would not.say it's pitch black, that 710 is smelling a lot better but not changed.colour much.
I steeped my last Capella VC in sunlight with the lid on compared to the one before that in a dark cupboard with the lid on.

Colour change was shocking but flavour wasnt a massive amount of difference. The sunlight one maybe a little better but nothing major. The sunlight one was also ready to vape quicker which is always a good thing lol
The nicotine is reacting to the sunlight, which means you are degrading the nicotine faster, which I am sure is causing some kind of chemical reaction inside the bottle.

I steep on a shelf above my desk, lids on (if I remember) lids off if I cant find one.

My house is never much more than 65degrees F (sorry cant be assed to convert to C at the mo) so steeping might take longer in my house, but I can visually keep an eye on things and see what is happening to it.

No direct sunlight reaches my juice!
I steep all my stuff in a closed cupboard. Whenever I steep in sunlight they taste a bit funky. Saying that, after steeping for several days they just sit on my desk with the lid on. Blinds are always closed (Ahh sunlight it burns).
The nicotine is reacting to the sunlight, which means you are degrading the nicotine faster, which I am sure is causing some kind of chemical reaction inside the bottle.

It IS reacting or you think it is reacting? ( sorry I know that might come across as aggressive but its not supposed to be lol)

The reason I ask is I had every one of my mixes on the window sill last time I mixed but it was only the VC that has changed compared to its recluse cupboard bound counterpart which would lead me to believe it could be the flavour concentrate reacting differently.
I had caramel, red oak, lemon meringue pie, butterscotch, vanilla cupcake, ripe banana and vanilla custard all made at the same time from the same base liquid steeping in the window but only the VC has shown any noticeable difference.
I have found most of the capellas I mixed changed colour quite dramatically apart from the fruit in sunlight they still change colour in the cupboard but it takes longer and isn't quite as dramatic
Anyway I've split a mix and put it out too steep see what happens in a week or so
The sunlight (UV) helps speed up the steep of VC but it is only part of the process and I have found it works better when there is a lot of air in the bottle. After it goes red it should then turn more brown. I have done simultaneous steeps and the VC given the sunlight treatment is usually ready a few days before the non sunlight treated one. This also works with Golden Rollie - on a lot of vapes it has no effect there is no colour change. As for nicotine degradation in sunlight - this would take weeks/months in very bright sunlight - not a few days on a British windowsill in February :)
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